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We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger.

(Katherine's P.O.V)

My subconscious must be playing mind games with me. There was no way I am looking into the same stormy grey sumptuous. My black-out must have effected me more than I thought. I was aware I was staring in awe at him but I couldn't help it. Something about the way his eyes made everything my body orbit his every move made he, felt me fascinated.

"Katherine how are you feeling?" The familiar male's voice asked from a distance across the room.

I blinked, coming from out of my trance. I looked around and saw I was lying in a small soft of guess room almost. It had a mimi tvon top of a dresser next to a book case with only three books holding in it. I waste if you ask me. Also a small lazy-boy chair sat across from the window that was now slightly opened. I then noticed the room was designed in brown and gold. The most eye-caching thing in the room was the humongous picture hanging on the wall next to the bed I was lying it was a sketch of a man and his dog. Only the dog didn't look like a ordinary dog. It looked monstrous, it is massive it stood above the man's knees. It had the most beautiful brown fur I've ever since, even tho the dog looked like it could eat me alive it had a certain gentleness to him. I'm guessing it's was a he. I think it was his eyes I gave me that persuasion. Something about those eyes seemed to...

"Katherine, I said are you feeling okay?" The same voice from before questioned this time a hint of annoyance.

I turned to my head to see three other people in the room, one I've haven't seen before.

"I..I f-feel weird." I stuttered feeling dazed. I had to be under some type on drug. I looked again at the three now consider faces staring back at me.

I wasn't as started to see the cocky golden eyed boy. Since he was the last face I remember before my black-out. No what is freaking me out the most is being face to face with my beautiful mystery boy. I'm just going to ignore the fact that I called him "my mystery boy also the fact that the feeling of butterflies still erupting my insides.I unwillingly thorn my eyes away from his piercing gaze, and gruffed to the owner of the female voice I heard earlier. My eyes widen scanning her. She had a young face about four years younger than me, but something about her stands made her seem older. She had long thick honey brown hair, that fell against her flawless white skin. She was taller than most girls I knew about 5'7, she had a trainers body she was so fit. The most thing to stand out about her was her eyes. I only lingered on them for a second. They completely white gravy and dull no color surround them, like a could of nothingness.

Was she blind?

I frowned at my ignorance. Of course she is blind why else would she be hold on to cocky boy over there. I couldn't shake the feeling annoying feeling I was getting seeing her lean on him for support. I know how selfish and twisted that sounds but I can't help it.

"Where am I?" I'm was usrprised I maneged to speak, everything was just too for me. So many questions consumed my mind.

"Your at my house, after you uh..." He pulsed sounding like he was contemplating on something. "Fell on one of the stairs in the back hallway." You were out cold so I brought you back here." The golden eyed boy said. His eyes never fell it held in my gaze,and I quickly felt my cheeks when I recalled being carried away in his strong arms.Then Is napped back to reality hearing his words.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2011 ⏰

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