C.J.T.M Part 5

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Okay, Thorne knew Wolf was thickheaded. But this was a whole new level of stupidity.

"You seriously think that I'm working for Levana?" Thorne asked, less angered now and more astounded at how Wolf could think such a thing. "You're one to talk. You tricked Scarlet into going to Paris with you to get herself kidnapped. And you're calling me a traitor. That's awfully hypocritical."

It didn't dawn on him until Wolf's glare became more intense that he probably hadn't made the right choice of words.

"Okay, Wolf," he started. "I'm not a spy, and I'm not trying to hurt Cress. She's just scared from being kidnapped. Wasn't Scarlet pretty shaken up after we got her back too?" Now that had been a much better choice of speech. Wolf grew less aggressive and tense.

"I tried to help her on my own because I didn't think any of you cared whether she lived or died. You all sounded .. almost at peace with the idea of her being gone."

Wolf shook his head and sighed. "We wanted to get her back. You were just acting like a mental case."

"You did too after you woke up and Scarlet was gone," Thorne mumbled. After that exchange of words, Wolf seemed less aggressive towards him. But that didn't make him trust Thorne fully.

And Thorne's problems were just beginning. Because now, a certain cyborg had finally found the captain. And was not happy at all.

"Oh, hi Cinder," Thorne smiled as she stormed down the hall to him. When he saw her iron hard expression, he knew he was in more danger than when Wolf thought he was a traitor. But he was smart enough to run away.

Once she was within Thorne's reach, he held out a hand for her to shake. After all, they had everyone back on the ship now, and that was reason for celebration.

Sadly, Cinder wasn't too keen on having a party just yet. Sure, she took a second to acknowledge Thorne was holding up his hand. But she didn't shake it or even five him a high-five. She brought up her metal hand, letting it glint in the light of the over-head bulbs.

Then she smacked him in the face.

Now, you have to understand. Thorne has been hit in the face before. Police officers, prison guards, convicts. But those were all human hands made of flesh and bones. Cinder's hand was made of a bunch of metals who's names were knocked out of him along with the air in his lungs.

The smack sent his head reeling as he tried to regain his breath. "Don't you ever put Kai in danger like that again, Thorne!" Cinder bellowed. "You may be my best friend; but I will throw your corpse out the back of the Rampion if you ever pull another stunt like that. You could have gotten the two of you killed!"

Great, now Thorne had a massive headache. On top of the smack, Cinder's screaming was doing a number on his ears. "Nice to know Kai's not the only one you care about," he scoffed.

Cinder rolled her eyes, but a lot less playfully than usual. "Can you be serious for two seconds?" she nagged. Almost in shame, Thorne stood straight and rubbed his jaw, showing he was listening. "We barely made the range of that explosion in time. Everyone on this ship could have been hurt, or even worse."

Thorne shuffled on his feet. Sure, he'd thought about that. At the same time, he'd been holding Cress's unconscious body just before she woke up. Seeing her safe from harm was enough to dismiss some of the guilt. Still, he felt bad about it. Though not enough to regret what he did.

"Cress is alive and everyone made it out. So I say it was worth it," he said plainly.

Cinder groaned out and rubbed her temples. "Just ... promise you won't do it again."

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