C.J.T.M. Part 3

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He waited until the entire rest of the crew was resting in their rooms. Though he was no pilot, he took the coordinates that the lady scientist had sent over the open link. Putting them into the auto pilot, he programmed the Rampion to take them to those coordinates.

Under the cover of space's cold darkness and the ship's current silent state, he felt almost like a spy. He was the man executing the plan, and Cress was-

He took in a deep breath. Cress wasn't here right now. This whole plan was orchestrated to save her. But if she were here, she would be the one making the plan that he would execute. She was the brain, the code girl,

And the girl Thorne was hopelessly in love with.

Why did the amazing, perfect, adorable girls always have to be the hardest ones to get?


Through the windshield if the cockpit, Thorne watched as the satellite Cress was being held on became larger and larger. It was almost an exact replica of the one Cress had been held on for eight years of her life.

One step closer to getting Cress back.

As well as he could, Thorne commanded the ship to dock at the satellite. Unlike the first time he'd tried to rescue Cress, he had the ship's radar scan for any other spaceships within a two mile radios. Nothing came up. If Cress had been on board, she could have set up a scan for any other life forms that could have been on the satellite. But this whole thing, was to save Cress.

Thorne dashed into the hall. None of the bedroom doors were open, except for one. Scarlet's.

He tiptoed over to the entrance of her room and peaked inside. Her bed was empty. Taking a minute to look around the halls, he couldn't find a trace of her. Which meant there was only one place she could be.

Wolf's room.

A flared mix of rage and jealousy ignited in his chest. Of course, now that Scarlet was back, the two of them were going to be infatuated with each other for weeks to come. But because they'd saved Scarlet, Cress was in peril.

Maybe she'll want to spend more time with me when I get her back.

A foolish hope. But a hope none the less. Thorne let out a long, pained breath and leaned his head back on the closest wall. He couldn't deny it anymore. He loved Cress. She was everything to him. All he wanted was for her to be happy, and maybe for him to be happy with him.

He would do anything to be with her again. Since he'd had that little heart to heart with her after the desert, he'd seriously considered turning over a new leaf. And all so he could be the hero she thought he was.

But this wasn't a time for daydreaming and wishful thinking. If his timing was right, he had a little over two hours left to save Cress before that satellite when everywhere in space.

There was a few things left for Thorne to do. But all of them included Kai.


In no time, Thorne was hovering over Kai's sleeping form. He knew Cinder would kill him for this, but he had to go through with it.

Thorne pulled the gun he had in his waistband out to his side. Just in case.

"Kai," Thorne said. The Emperor stirred for a few seconds. Yet, he didn't wake. Thorne grabbed Kai's arm with his free hand and rocked him. "Kai, wake up."

"W-what?" he asked, groggily. He looked up at Thorne with sleepy eyes. "Thorne, what's going-"

Thorne lifted his gun and cocked it right in front of Kai's face. "Stay quiet, and no one gets hurt."

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