Are Police Murderers?

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It's so sad. Senseless police brutality gets me so furious. The ONLY time a police officer can murder a civilian is if they are armed AND have lethal intentions. You are 29 times more likely to be killed by police than by a terrorist. The number of innocent people dead because of police brutality now exceeds the number of casualties in the Iraq War. Not all police are bad, but there is definitely an abusive hierarchy forming. Even innocent DOGS are being murdered by police. Yes, bigger dogs can be aggressive, but police, if you're so "strong", you can be a logical sentient being and realize it will NOT kill you. The very worst thing that can happen is getting bitten, and aren't police supposed to be resilient?
Police are supposed to protect our LIVES. This includes EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. And what happened to innocent until proven guilty?? Apparently that doesn't exist.
The murder of civilians by police should only be reserved for extreme, rare cases, like a mass shooting, an armed robber pointing the gun at someone or right at you. In Britain, only 5 people are killed by police every year, and presumably, they were a true threat to lives. And America? Whilst here, 500 INNOCENT people are murdered; no, NOT mass shooters or people who are literally about to kill you. People who are UNARMED, and if they are armed (guess what police it's legal in some states to carry around a gun for self protection, NOT necessarily to kill you), it is for self-protection. In America, an unarmed 15 year old who stole 10 dollars and a purse is a "threat" to police. Burglary is wrong, but is NOT punishable by death. If police point their guns at anyone who moves, maybe they should point it at their braindead minds. We shouldn't fear police, we should feel safe around them. Unfortunately, they have to EARN their respect. I'm not kissing police ass. If you KILLED an INNOCENT being, then you should arrest yourself and throw yourself in prison. Police are becoming weapons of mass destruction, silencing dissenters, killing anyone who poses a "threat". Delusional people should not be police. All those conspiracy theories about the police states are becoming disturbingly true. It was always true. The FBI labeled MLK as a terrorist. But the KKK, which MURDERED people because of HUMAN CONSTRUCTS? They weren't...

In fucking CUBA, a DICTATORSHIP where people are OPPRESSED, NOT ONCE in the latino news have i seen footage of protestors being murdered, or abused. They are taken to prison since free speech is illegal over there.
Seriously? A fucking dictatorship where people are arrested for protesting are more logical than the police here, "the land of the free".

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