Chapter 4 - Depression

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You woke up with beads od sweat swimming down your forehead. You saw Wander and Sylvia sleeping. You slipped out of your sleeping bag and folded it neatly. You grabbed a nearby stick and wrote a note in the dirt:
'I'm sorry....this is goodbye.'
Then, you walked off. Your feet carried you wherever they felt like. Your hollow eyes stared ahead, unmoved. This is was depression was like. All you are is a hollow shell holding in a depressed coated soul. That part of you that was actually you....well....the depression was layering over it. Cutting helped get the depression out. It was a way to get the depression out by seeping through the wounds. Regardless, it's almost impossible to get rid of....depression grows....and no matter what, it's always there.
You feet halted to a stop. Your toes hung over a drop off with water crashing beneath you. The wind blew wildly behind you. Your mind clicked.
' Why don't you just go kill yourself?'
"Okay. I will..." you muttered, one foot lifting to move.
"Y/n! Wait!" A voice yelled. You put your foot back down on solid ground.
"Y/n.... what are you doing? You can't just...." Wander said, tears streaming down his furry orange cheeks.
"I love you, y/n! You can't just kill yourself! I won't let you!!!" He cried. The coat broke. You felt the color and emotion race back to you as your heart thumped against your chest.
"L-love....Wander....I..." you blushed.
"Ive had a crush on you for a long time, y/n. Yeah I acted normal, but on the inside, I felt all ooey- gooey about you..." he said, "Please come can't end your life...because your life was meant to spend with me..." he said, extending his arms.
"Okay." You stepped toward him. The wind blew your hair all over the place. The wind was getting stronger and stronger as it blew against you. Did nature not want the two of you together...?
"W-wander..." you struggled through the wind. You saw him holding his hat on his head and the other hand holding onto a rock. The wind flung you back, over the cliff. You fell away from the light into the darkness. Just like depression, the ocean drowned you in darkness, pulling you from your light, Wander.

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