Chapter 3 - Dreams

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You all headed out within an hour
Wander and Sylvia were thrilled to have you as part of the crew. Honestly, you were pretty happy, too. It's the happiest you've been in a long time.
Then, months after your friendships had been enlightened, it happened.
One night, you had a terrible dream. You were with Wander. Just walking, the darkness close behind you.
"Yes, Wander?" You asked happily.
"I'm going to tell you something important." He grinned, his teeth wide and sharp, " I'm never going to love you. You're so pathetic, so why would I? All you do is cut and cry, that's a wasted life."
You felt tears sting your eyes and threaten to fall down your cheeks. The darkness behind you got bigger and closer to you two.
"Why don't you just go kill yourself?" He spat with venom. The darkness pulled at your scarred wrists and ankles and sucked you in. You felt yourself falling farther and farther from the light until it was no longer visible. There was no escape now. Your depression has caught up with you.

Wander X Suicidal!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now