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Heyya! ( '◇')/

I believe you have read my previous SHSL Loner fanfiction before this. I mean, how else you can end up here if you haven't read the first one? Now you know what to do if you, by any chance, haven't.

For your information, there will be spoilers like how the previous one did Σ(=ω= ;) Like, big spoiler since the very beginning.

Anyways, welcome to SDR2 SHSL Loner. Our poor protagonist a.k.a. reader-chan, the SHSL Loner, will join the 'Heart Throbbing School Trip' at the Jabberwock Island together with the other 16 students of 77th Class, a talking, singing and dancing stuffed rabbit doll, aaand a you-know-who joy-killer bear. You know where this is going. Upupupupu...

*Laugh, Komaeda's version* Please look forward to the plot twist ψ(`∇')ψ You don't know how I smiled like a creep when I was playing the game because ideas kept popping in my mind. It was like, "SHSL Loner should appear here and mess around."

Even for this time, I'll decide SHSL Loner's appearance. There are some who said that it would be better to just use code like (h/c), (h/l), (e/c), and such in a reader insert fanfiction. Of course, I know that. The reason I decide SHSL Loner's (reader) appearance is because I'm a little lazy to keep typing the code―not that I often mentioned her appearance in the previous book, but oh well. Besides, SHSL Loner is actually an OC. I think I'll start to mention her appearance more in this book.

Last time, I decided the SHSL Loner's hair to be blonde and around shoulder-length. This change of appearance is meant to be used since the beginning, but I just let it be in the previous book because it's too troublesome to change it.

Hair colour will be ashen (gray-like). It was shoulder-length at the first book. Now, it's a little longer past shoulder-length. Before the tragedy, it was long until her back. Eyes colour will be cobalt blue. If you want to see, I actually took the model from Kanzato Yuki from the anime Persona Trinity Soul. You can check it out.
Please just think it has been this way since beginning, alright.

With that, let the story begin. (/^0^)/

Below is an unimportant talk about what I felt when I was playing the game. If you are interested in seeing how 'tortured' I was or want to know about the game and don't mind about the class trial's spoiler, then proceed.

*The whole story, investigation and class trial felt waaay longer than in the first game. With so many new features in the class trial, you can spend two hours for it.

*For the story, the place is way bigger than only being in Hope's Peak Academy. There is also E-Pet in your E-Handbook, which is pretty much the same to Pokemon Go that count the steps you took to grow your pet. So you would prefer walking than teleport because you want presents from your pet and you spend so much time for walking to different islands or perhaps you might spend your time running aimlessly. To be honest, that's what I did. I prefer to raise Monokuma because it will give you 300 coins along with other present. I will use those coins wisely... for collecting all items from Monomono Yachine.
Damn! It's hard to collect all of them after I hit 93%. I even got only two new items after inserting 100 coins. In that case, I just load the game. Such a waste. I'd rather use the coins to unlock extras.

*Dude, the class trial is way crazier than the first game. My brother was the one to play it first, so I watched him play at times. Then, a question popped out in my mind. I asked myself, "Will I be capable enough to play it?"

Sit down, brew yourself tea, and let us talk about it one by one. The Legend of Me vs. Class Trial and My Brother is about to start

Nonstop Debate
"Hm! It seems I will have no trouble playing it. I'm used to playing it." I flipped my hair arrogantly, believing that I won't need to worry.

Dangan Ronpa 2 the Ultimate Loner, Chase Despair Away (Fem!Reader x SDR 2)Where stories live. Discover now