Love & Equality vs. Power & Ignorance?

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I'm sorry if this isn't an update you were all looking forward to but I feel this is very important, an issue to get across. I'm not sure if you are informed about Minnesota's controversy over an marriage ammendment that decides whether gay couples can have the priviledge of marriage or not. I feel like this isn't an issue that is as popular as it should be and maybe, just maybe, with this post, more people can be aware of the injustice that could be blanketed over our gay community. I'm using my valuable homework time to type up my concerns, that's how important and passionate I am about this subject.

Now, before I say anything else, I am respectful towards other people's belief. I'm not going to step over anyone's religion or their God, I promise, seeing as their God has never done anything to me. And if I were to enter that territory, I'd be a hypocrite. That's not something I want to discredit me. I will also admit I am an athiest. Not because I have doubts but because I was raised in a mellow family, very rarely attending church (plus, the fact my Dad worships Football every Sunday morning, afternoon, and night....) and God has never been an important figure in my upbringing. I could introduce him into my life but I don't feel like I have a reason to do so because I am happy with my life and the direction it's heading.

Building on that, Religion has always been like thin ice. Too many people disagree on it and many massacres and events have happened because of these disagreements. (Ex.: The Crusades. That, by far, is the most tragic.) And as much as I am anxious about placing my view on the subject, it plays a crucial part in the Gay Marriage debate. Many Republican and powerful church figures, such as the Pope and Bishops, have argued that God, using the bible as a reference, disagrees with the same-sex-relationship concept and that "Gay's burn in hell." (I will not argue on the afterlife, seeing as my outlook on death and life after differ greatly from the Christian's persepctive.) The way I see it, I'll put it simply, let them lead their own Congregation, not our Congress.

The United States of America, in which this debate is echoing across, is a FREE country, with wonderful entitlements like free Speech, free to practice ANY religion, and the right to bare arms to protect our homes. No race is withheld from these rights, if given the chance at becoming American or naturally born on our soil.

The right of Religion is  gift for all those Catholic, Christican, Islam, Muslim, and Jewish (and many others) followers. But some of these powerful religious leaders step over bounds when this entitlement by allowing their religion to play a key factor in our government. Christianity, by far, is a popular religion among our government leaders who participate in Congress and Legislature. It's risky and concerning knowing our local and state representives may not hold the best interest of ALL members of their neighbors and will act on their OWN  agenda. We elect them to uphold our interest and act on our behalf, not theirs. We must be aware of who we  give the power of making decisions that most definitely effect us as a community and a nation.

So I ask, directed to my state representative, and possible president, as she is campaigning, Michelle Bachmann, who gave you the right to take away rights and priviledges that were given to us? What justifies those actions? Do your beliefs mirror ours or are you taking advantage of the position we lent you for a four year term to discriminate others? Have you not heard of the concept of equality?

The way I see it, if you don't like the idea of gay marriage, keep it to yourself or leave this country, because it's a FREE country, free to do what we want because we were given the right to. Don't try to change that.  Just because the bible says "Man & Woman" doesn't mean the bible relates to all of us.There a many different interpretations of the infamous book but that doesn't mean it should regulate OUR nation, law wise, because this nation is a DEMOCRACY. We don't have to follow the religious belief of our leaders nor should we have to act upon them, therefore why should we obey laws set by those said leaders and representatives that discriminate and alienate certains groups? That's not America.  

If you alienate the gay community of it's right to marriage, what's next? Are you going to take another bold step to alienate the Jewish community, too, just because they don't follow the Christian guidelines? Will you ban abortion, under the lines or "murder," despite the statement in which an infant is not considered an infant until it's take it's first breath? Even if it sends the young or unprepared mother into poverty and risk making the child enter into an unfit home? Will you restrict the branch of science because it contradicts your belief on how the universe and life was created, ultimately stunting our journey of knowledge and holding us, as a nation, back from the world competition of high rankings of intelligence?

I support the same-sex community because mainly, I personally believe, because they are genetically unable to reproduce off spring, they adopt, thus saving a child and giving an unfortunate young being a chance at a real home. Second, because I know a few people who have a same-sex attraction that I love and cherish because I appreciate them as beings. Nothing about them is different in my eyes. I admire them and pity them, too, at the same time, for the hardships and ignorance and yet they brave though it with determination, devotion, and courage. I can compare them to our soilders who defend our country just as these individuals fight for their right to love another being. Is that so much to ask for, for a person?

What is so "wrong" about them that they could be withheld their right at marriage? What can justify that? God? Sorry if I seem rude but you [politicians + religious figures] are followers of God, not God himself. Until God comes down from the Heavens and demands, in person, why things should happen and why people shouldn't be given certain entitlements and priviledges with an explaination so, I don't think you should act on His behalf, especially if it insults other people who differ in thoughts.

Again, you have a right to practice and preach your own beliefs in your own home but keep it out of our government. Government serves a purpose to direct and guide the whole society of our nation, not just to satisfy a certain group.

Just like I disagree with meat consumption and the suffering of animals, hunting specifically, but you don't see me demanding a ban on hunting or to turn everyone vegitarian just because I have my own opinions. My final message: Unless it's for the good of the whole nation, keep it to yourself.

I know I wrote a considerable amount and yet I feel dissatisfied, unable to write everything I want, but I feel I made aware the general concept.  I wanted to get that off my chest. I would like you, the audience, to be aware of this subject and the potential damage it can do. If you are a US native, check your state's status on gay marriage and if it's been legalized, debated, or not even mentioned, if so, DO mention it. EVERYONE is entitled to the right to marry who they love, especially if their a contributing member of our society. Educate yourself on the subject. Weigh the pros and cons. Read BOTH sides of the arguement, learn of the charities that do or don't serve this group, and most importantly, voice your opinions to your senators and state legistature, for they ultimately decide if it's fate and the same-sex community's.

I understand if you disagree but please don't message me about it. I'm in no mood to debate or argue with you, because I, like many others, know we rarely change our minds when we're passionate about a topic and if we were raised with it. I just wanted to get that across the the people who aren't aware of this controversy and possibly ignite a powerful force that can decide the future of this issue and hopefully resolve it.

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