Chapter 3

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Songs for this chapter:

Too Little Too Late by JoJo

Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo

World of Chances by Demi Lovato


Chapter 3

Kaylein’s POV:

I awoke recounting the events of last night. I really had a wonderful time. Then it hit me. I shouldn’t have had a nice time. I’m broken and yet I’m out partying and having fun and actually being happy. Suddenly I was ashamed of myself. Why can’t I just allow myself to be happy? Austin just makes me forget every bad thing that’s been going on in my life right now and I can just be myself with him. Man, I wish I could be like that all the time. Wait, maybe I can… If I just hang out with Austin more it will take my mind off of my problems.

I decided I would text him and see if we could hang out today. After all it is Sunday and I have no plans. Just as I was about to send the message I received one. It was from Dillon… I debated about it before I opened it.

‘Hey, can you please meet me at the park today? I really need to talk with you.’ It read. Should I go? Should I even reply? Should I just delete the text and pretend I never got it? What did he want to talk me about? Why now? So many questions spun in my head. I decided to at least reply.

‘Why should I? I have nothing to say to you except WE’RE OVER!’ I replied. I was proud of myself. I think I got my point across. Hopefully he’ll back off. I was wrong.

‘Please? I need to apologize but it needs to be in person. Please Kaylein?’ He begged me. Would it look weak on my behalf if I said okay so soon? Yes, it would! I can’t cave that easy!

‘Whatever you have to say, I don’t want to hear it.’ I replied sternly.

‘PLEASE? Even if you don’t meet me, I’m still going to come to you. So please meet me half way.’

‘Okay, fine. When I get there you have 2 minutes!’ Did I really just agree to that? Wow, I am weak. Maybe I was letting my feelings cloud my judgment… I mean I do really miss him. But why? Why should I miss him? I shouldn’t. It’s as simple as that. Ugh well I already agreed to it. I grabbed my iPod and walked out of the house and headed toward the park.

“What do you want?” I hissed when I saw Dillon.

“I just wanted to tell you how much I miss you. I know I made a huge mistake and you should never forgive me. But if you would consider giving me a second chance I swear I will never hurt you like that again. EVER! I miss your lips against mine, the warmth of your body when were cuddling, I miss your random hugs just because you care, I miss you! I never ever want to lose you. Please Kaylein, I love you.” His eyes glistened in the sunlight. If I didn’t know better I would have said he was about to cry. Although he broke my heart, it still ached for him. And no matter how much he hurt me I still hated to see him hurt. Wait, did he just say ‘I love you’? No, he can’t do that to me. He doesn’t have the right.

“No, don’t say that. I know it’s not true so don’t even try to convince me otherwise. This was a bad idea. I have to go.” I turned, paused, contemplating if I was doing the right thing. Yes, I was. I can’t let him back in, I’ll just get hurt again. I took a deep breath and started to walk back home. But he grabbed my arm and gently turned me to face him, cupping my head in his hands.

 “Please,” He whispered “please just give me one more chance. I can’t live without you” he gently leaned his forehead against mine. I didn’t know what to do. He was right there, saying he would never hurt me again. Here he was begging for another chance to be loved again.

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