Chapter 2

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Songs for this chapter:

Last First Kiss by One Direction

Wanted by Hunter Hayes

Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney


Chapter 2

Kaylein’s POV:

It’s Saturday. I woke up to the birds chirping and singing their beautiful songs. The sun was just beginning to rise, illuminating the sky with a lightly brushed pink. The scene was simply breathtaking. It looked as if someone had just painted the sky to its early dawn beauty. It looked unreal. I cherished these peaceful moments before my own problems came rushing back to me, sending a shiver down my spine as I recalled the images from Dillon and… I can’t even say her name. I quickly pushed the images away and into the back of my mind trying to focus on anything but that. I feel so broken right now. Like someone ripped out my lungs and still expected me to breathe. I would do anything to stop feeling like this. But sadly I think this feeling is here to stay.

It has now been a whole day since that whole fiasco with Dillon. Honestly, I’m glad that we’re over… I think. I am just so confused! I know he broke my heart when I caught him cheating on me. But, I still have feelings for him. There once was a time when I thought he was the one and I was so in love that it blinded me. I was too naive to see his flaws before it was too late, and even if I did I loved them. Sometimes I ask myself how in the world I managed to fall for him. He’s a player and arrogant and conceded and just an all around jerk! Austin was right. He was no good for me. I just can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner. In fact I now wish I had listened to Austin, instead I accused him of being jealous. I’m a terrible friend!

I tried to pull myself from my own self-consuming thoughts. It was pointless. No matter how hard I tried my mind would always return to exactly what I didn’t want to think about. That is until I received a text message.

‘Hey want to come hang out with me and Cody today?’ Karina asked me.

‘Sure. Thanks (:’ I replied

‘Great! Be ready in an hour.’ And with that I turned on my iPod as well as the shower.

 I checked the time. It was 10am, I must have been thinking for longer than I thought. So I have until 11, I quickly stripped of my pajamas and hopped in the shower.  I stood there under the water for a moment, letting the hot water rush over my bare skin. My pervious thoughts came flooding back, snapping me out of my trance and empowered me to scrub my sensitive skin harshly. Maybe if I scrubbed hard enough it would erase the memories that made me feel so dirty inside. I scrubbed harder, turning my skin bright red. The feeling still not going away I sank to my feet and prepared to cry. I pulled my legs into my chest and put my head down, allowing the water to hit my back like a subtly rain. I had never felt like this before, and all I wanted it to do was go away.

“Just go away” I sobbed.

Realizing that I might be feeling like this for awhile, I decided to not let it control my life. It didn’t matter how much I wanted to stay home today, I was going to go out. No matter how much I wanted to cry, I wasn’t going to shed a single tear. No matter how much I wanted to run away from my problems, I would face them head on. I’m stronger than this, I can handle this. I don’t want my friends constantly worrying about me because I’m fine, or at least I will be… I hope. I finished washing my hair and turned off the water. Stepping out of the shower I dried myself off with a towel and put a fresh pair of clothes on.

I was wearing one of my favorite pair of shorts. They were a washed out pair of blue cut off shorts which matched perfectly with my form fitting white tank top. I loved this outfit. It showed off all my curves in all the right places without reveling too much. I applied a thin layer of makeup and blow dried my hair until it had its normal soft bouncy curls cascading around my face. As always I flat ironed my bangs which swept to the side. I was quiet proud with myself for the final look.

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