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Six months have come and gone since Rachel became Mrs.Parker and, being more than half way through her pregnancy now, you would think everything was amazing between the newly married couple.

But you would be wrong.

Tom, Nathan and Max all went out with each other for a night on the town, only for it to end badly for Tom.

He got so drunk that Max and Nathan thought it would be funny to leave him on his own, just for him to end up the bed with none other than Lauren; the very same girl he thought he got shot off before he got back with Rachel.

The morning after, he is cruelly reminded of his actions when Lauren informs him that she spoke to Rachel and now she never wants to see him again.

As far as she is concerned, their marriage is over and she doesn't want to see him again.

However, when Rachel collapses and ends up in hospital, Tom is left to deal with everything on his own for the first time since he entered married life.

He has to, not only take care of his daughter, but also has to ensure that the home continues to run smoothly and that Steph carries on having the life that she's become so accustomed to; which results in Tom having to quit his job so he's got the time to do everything that needs doing.

The question is though;

Will Tom be able to cope with all his new responsibilities, or will some else be ready to pick up the pieces when he inevitably screws everything up?

Hey people,

I was reading Fatal Error the other day and this idea came to me, so I thought I would write it for you guys and see if anyone was interested in it because I would love to write this third part - I've got the story already planned out in my head and it would be amazing if you could let me know what you think of it.

I'm glad you all enjoyed Falling For Mr.Parker and Fatal Error, so I hope you'll enjoy this one just as much with all the various twists and turns, drama and cliffhangers I've already got planned for the coming chapters.

Thanks for everything. Love you all.

Em xx

Picking Up The Pieces [Final Part Of Falling For Mr.Parker]Where stories live. Discover now