Chapter 6 : Aurva's Ire

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Looking at his powerful child,

Knowing from Aarushee his deed wild,

Chyavan said, "You are born from thigh -

Uru - in the name Aurva people will go by.

You will do great deeds,

If you know proper the people's needs."

Chyavan stayed on to help his clan,

Teaching and preaching man,

Rishi-vaalak Aurva the theories he knew

Even before birth. He grew

Up not forgetting

The misfortune of his ancestors. Upsetting

Was to him the global anarchy,

Cries of tormented still lurking

In his mind. Now all quiet in the green forest,

His mind knew no rest.

Birds chirp, river flows,

Cooling the body the cool air blows

Echoing hymns as before,

Pain in heart he always bore.

"What is the purpose of creation,

Of untimely God's intervention,

If almost none can reach there,

Where is justice, what is fair?

Animals unreached in years million-

Leaderless coach without postilion.

If they have  to reach, I can make them

Reach in a go, to me be the blame.

Even till Pralay - the doom - they know nothing,

A bit superior to insects their being

Dragging meaningless to infinity stretched  

Yugs after yugs lying wretched.

If all are Brahma, I send them there

Forcefully, their souls will be bare

To Infinite Light, they won't at least

Lead a life like a beast.

Trijagat - three worlds - I will take the ruins of,

Hasten Pralay, all karma will cough

Out,- no creation, no worries;

Only the Land of Infinite Bliss."

Thus he began penance severe

Standing out among rishis compere

Generating energy that delivers

Conquest of Trijagat, creates an school of givers

Of firm advice, or destroy

Denying the good and bad alloy

Finish forever the world of complications,

In one Ambition submerge all ambitions.

His yogic energy created smoke

Making humans and animals choke,

No one neared the divine aashram,

Rendering it difficult to dwell, in charam -

Extreme - condition for aashramiks therein,

But not they thought for once leaving,

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