Chapter 5 : The Genocide of Bhaargavs

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Dirt flew covering the sky,

The road was no more, trees veiled, shy.

Sons of Kritaveerya, the Haihaya princes,

All, in combat, aces,

Whipped their horses to the most,

Crossed in no time the city's post.

Nostrils hot, the horses ran,

Beneath the dust-cloud their whiteness span.

A grey cloud, down, moving,

To the by-standers disapproving,

Briskly paced to Bhaargavs' aashram

To teach the saints royal norm.

Little did know Bhrigu's sons,

Wives and children - the mere pawns -

What fate lies ahead of them.

Oh! Lord Vishnu! Who is to blame?

Peaceful, as usual, Brahmachaarees - students -

Knew not the kshatriya imprudence.

Collecting water, doing studies,

Engaged in other activities,

Girls milking, duhitaas are they,

Restlessness they keep at bay.

Some are chanting mantras for gods,

Multiple voices surpassing odds.

Hymns the Shratriyas sang -

 Vaidic learners - to heaven they rang,

As if some mystifying sound,

Core to the creation bound

Arose from the depth of naught,

Springing to infinite light they sought,

Glorifying Brahma, an ideal life,

Sound of alphabets generating vibe.

A spacious place without trees

At riverside, a life of ease,

Slow but disciplined, inside forest

Where all bubbles come to rest,

Work inside, like Brahma-realm,

Stunned strength, beauty overwhelm,

An innocent mind, all-forgiving,

Only learning, open, receiving.

Some are collecting woods for yagna-fire,

Others churning milk for ghee they require

To offer gods their only food,

In heart filled with gratitude.

The hell broke loose on them,

From blind ego satanism stem.

The storm hurled upon the trees of forest

Right are all having royal interest.

The hundred princes thundered doors

Hut to hut, brought munis to floors,

Dragged and violently shook

The saints with murderous, ferocious look,

Demanding money, where it is hidden

In aashram, royal wealth forbidden.

Parashuram : the ascetic warriorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang