Chapter 1 - Meeting

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**Important A/N. If you are having thoughts of suicide or are dealing with depression, I am someone you can talk to. I know it sounds cliché, but there are people out there to talk to. I'll talk and help you with anything. Okay, well, sorry for rambling. Here's your story, young readers! **
You had been traveling for days. No food. No were beginning to question the point in trying. Soon enough, you ran into a planet full od life. It should at least have water.. .
You landed there and saw a lake. You walked over and cupped your hands, taking a drink. You turned to see a furry orange creature grinning wildly at you.
"Hi! I haven't seen you around here! I'm Wander! My friend, Sylvia, is back at out campsite getting some firewood. Wanna join us for a campfire?" He asked kindly. You blushed. You knew very well who he was. He was your crush since you were little. You turned away and drank some more water.
"Okay, well. We'll be here if you need us." He smiled and ran off. This could be your chance, you could get to know him. No...he wouldn't notice you. It's not like he'd start to like you wouldn't hurt that bad to try.
You made your way to the campfire to see Wander and Sylvia.
"I'm glad you could make it...! What your name, by the way? Didn't get a chance to ask." Wander giggled.
"Y-y/n." You said, quietly.
"That's a pretty name! I think I used to know someone with that name.... maybe not..." he began to ramble about many names and people he knew. You sad there sadly. He didnt really one did...
"I...I should go..." you said, backing away."
"What? So soon? You should at least stay until morning. It's cold out tonight. Wouldn't want one if my friends to get a cold."
"Yeah! Come on!" He patted the log hes sitting on, motioning you over. You obeyed his request. Soon enough, he was pulling out sleeping bags for the three of you. You fell asleep in the comfort of Wander's sleeping bag.

Wander X Suicidal!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now