You are not alone

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Sorry if this chapter came without a warning, I hope you enjoy it anyways.

Rascal/Jared's POV:

I sighed,

Chloe had just found out my big secret- one that not even Nogo or any of his evil idiots knew.

That I, Rascal the Joker,

was none other than Jared, Student Body Council President

And even though I was glad I could stop lying to her,

This was a secret that I could not ask her to keep...

It was too dangerous-

And the last thing I wanted

was to put my Chloe in danger

"Jared, aren't you going to tell me?"

Chloe's face was drawn with concern.
I gulped, this was going to get tough
"Alright, here we go..."

"Many years ago- As you may have heard, there were an ancient race of star people, led by a star prince, and Queen Euphoria of Jubiland.

My story starts at the end of Euphoria's battle with Nogo-"

Chloe's POV:

I gasped

Maybe Rascal was more than he seemed-

And maybe Jared as well.

"Anyways, My story begins where Euphoria defeated Nogo,

It was a long, hard battle.

In the end, they reached a truce- Nogo was imprisoned in a magic sleep, never to wake until enough negative energy was collected to revive him, but Euphoria..."

Jared breathed in deeply, and continued;

"Euphoria was weakened, mortally weakened. She knew she only had a short while left- So she called upon help. She sent Candy to go and find the five legendary warriors known as the Glitter Force..."

Jared paused

He seemed to be having a hard time telling me what happened next

"But the Glitter Force weren't the only ones trying to stop Emperor Nogo-"

I gasped,

"Jared, what are you saying!?!"

Jared sighed.

"I'm saying that you are not alone"

I leaned back on the wall, stunned.
Jared reached out his hand to me, smiling sadly
"Chloe, what I'm about to ask you to keep is something that you can't tell ANYONE."
I stared down at the floor, and asked in a tiny, mouselike voice
"Not even my friends?"
Jared grimly stood up
"Especially not your friends, this secret could put their lives- and yours, in danger."
Jared/Rascals POV:
Chloe stared up at me, an expression of fear on her face
"Do you think you can handle it?"
Chloe's fearful expression dissolved into a boldness I had never seen, and she looked up at me, her voice steady and determined.
"Yes. I can handle it."
All of my doubt gave way, and I smiled to myself.
How did I ever end up with her?
"Alright then, it's time I told you my big secret."
A small, unfamiliar voice lingered in the back of my head,
You don't have to tell her the WHOLE truth, just make something up- after all... You DO want to keep your precious Chloe safe... Right?
I gasped, and weakly attempted to push the voice out.
N-no. Get away! I will NOT lie to her again!
The voice, sickly sweet, seemed to crawl up my thoughts, pushing everything out.
You wouldn't be lying- after all, you ARE telling her that you are Jared.
Giggling, the voice seemed to vanish as fast as it had appeared, leaving me stunned, confused, and...
No... Th-this can't be happening!
Chloe's POV:
Jared's face turned deathly pale,
Something seemed off about him.
"Jared? Aren't you going to tell me?"
Jared just stood there, staring off into space.
But suddenly, Jared's arm jerked, and his face slowly curved down as his dilated eyes locked on my face.
His eye started twitching, as he seemed to be staring straight through me with a VERY creepy expression.
I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it.
"J-Jared? What's going on?"
The only response I received was the side of Jared's mouth twitching.
I could sense some strange energy coming off him.
My heart skipped a beat when I realized that he was advancing towards me.
"Jared! Stop it- you're scaring me!"
As if by magic, he seemed to snap out of the strange trance he was in, and he fell.
He stood up rather shakily, shivering uncontrollably.
"Rascal, what happened?!?"
"Chloe- I- I got to go."
A swirl of cards flew about him, and before I could call out his name, he vanished,
And silence engulfed the room, as swiftly and surely as Jared's card store.
Why is Jared acting so strange? What IS Jared's big secret? And who can Chloe trust!?! Find out more at-
Lol sorry about that > w < anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks again for all of your kind comments, favs, and adding of my fic to a reading list!
Clocking out!
~Nya chan <3

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