!~letter to haters~!

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Hey guys!

I am so sorry I haven't uptated in a while, i've been SUPER busy this week. :/

So, i'm just gonna get to the point.

I've been getting lots of HATE messages of how "Stupid glitterforce fanfictions are"

and how "I should really get a life"

firstly, let me just tell you guys who attack my fanfiction that if you really hate glitter force, just go find something else to read.

Secondly, if you're going to send me hate comments...


And thirdly, you're probably right. I SHOULD get a life. But that's not your call, isn't it?

welp, I guess that's all. As for all of you readers who enjoy my fanfic, I will be updating SOON.

Clocking out! 

~Nya chan <3 <3 <3


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