Run Devil Run

540 16 3

Looking at their furious faces, I realised that I was their next target (obviously?) Scurrying sounds echoed as they stomped their way down from the stairway to land some punches on me. Wasting no time, I quickly took off like a bolt of lightning and camoflaged myself into the crowds infront of me. 

"DId I just hear someone speak Korean??" I pondered while walking to where the ahjussi was in the house. Walking up the stairs, I saw a bald man crawling on the wooden floor cowering in fear. His head had blood trickling and his face was bruised blue-black. "Are you Korean??" I exclaimed to him as I helped him up. He obiently nodded his head and I guess that meant a "yes"

Footsteps. Shucks, they gave up their chase on me and are now back at the house to continue their torturing of the bald guy. Turning my head towards him, I mouthed to him "Run" and pushed him to the window. Next to it was a tall tree and I kicked him onto it, launching him onto the nearby branch, which he started screaming and clung onto it for his dear life. 

"Oh! It's that bastard that threw the apple at me!!?" I heard a voice shout behind me. I turned around and saw a big crowd of 7 big strong man staring daggers at me. Among them, there was one that I could recognise, as there was a huge black mark on his eye that made him look like a clown. I let out a small snigger as I could not hold my laughter and that made him furious. Next thing I knew, he launched himself at me, wanting to tear my skin and rip me apart. Unfortunate for him, I knew some moves myself too. 

Swifly moving to the side to dodge his attack, a look of suprise came up on his face as he crashed into the tough wall behind me. A whistle of wind blew after I executed a reverse back kick that knocked him out cold. 2 more of them came at me, empowering themselves with a wierd warcry that sounded like an ape. Both of them got knocked out almost immediately as my fist connect their face with such impact I heard their nose break. Whimpering in pain on the floor, I walked past them to finish off the rest of the group with a powerhouse kick. To my dismay, I realised that I've made too much of a scene and their reinforcement came. 15 more men came up and this time they looked different. Their stares were deadly and tattoos too. I ran immediately and jumped out of the window, leaving them dumbfounded in the balcony as none of them we brave enough to take the leap. Plucking the bald hostage down from the tree, we made a run for our lives.

Taking a glimpse over my shoulder, I could see that they were trying to help their comrades down the tree. One of them must have tried to jump and now he's helplessly hanging onto one of the branches. "Snap!" and a crash was heard along with a loud grunt. 

We're safe. Today I've finally met a new friend, and maybe he could be one that would help me find out about my true identity. 

So sorry for the long hiatus from wattpad!! I've been quite busy with my stuff over the holidays so i didnt have much time to write for you awesome wattpeeps! Leave a comment on how I wrote and how you guys want the story to turn out!^^ If you find that this story's good, do like it and give me a vote!^^ CHEERIOS

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