Chapter 1:

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A/N: The image is what Kiko is wearing for this chapter. She also has a black hat on and her hair is  black with blue streaks.

Kiko's POV:
'I can't believe it's been 9 whole years' I silently thought to myself. I haven't talked to Kyoya since I left.........I think he's still mad at me for leaving and not telling him, I still feel like a terrible person...... how hard it must have been to grow up thinking your best friend left you and never said goodbye. It was hard on me too but it had to be done to protect him and my family from... well. No. I shouldn't think of such things during such a happy time. I am finally going home. Planes actually suck though sometimes. Like I will get too hot then I turn on the vent and then the cold air will dry up my eyes and I look like a dehydrated spongebob but as soon as I turn the vent off I get too hot again. I hate being on the plane for this long. "Ms. Ootori, the flight is landing in about an hour, do you need anything else before we land?" Asked a flight attendant named Yuri. Um yes a better vent system it sucks sticks. "No, I'm good thanks Ms. Yuri." I casually responded with a smile that I have been expected to do when anyone says anything. Stupid proper rich people and their upheld status. She looked a little freaked out but I don't know why and that's when she asked me, "How do you know my name?" I responded with a bored look, "Your name tag miss. It's a name tag. It says your name." She blushed and her eyes were wide open and wished me a good flight and when she turned around she started mumbling to herself but I couldn't hear her while she scurried back down the aisle. So now I have to sit here with crusty eyes watching the same movie I watched five times. Ugh. Life hates me.

I saw Thomas, my old friend and driver holding a sign with my name on it. "THOMASSSS AHHHHH!!" He saw me and gave me a warm smile and said, "Welcome home Kiko." I have him a huge Cheshire Cat smile and he helped me load my stuff in the trunk and we were off to my twin brother's school to surprise him...Ouran Academy.

I looked up at the bright pink school and glared at it in disgust..... I hate the color pink...... it hurts my eyes. Nasty. As I walked inside everyone started staring at me some glaring at me for some reason and some girls and boys whispered loudly, "She's so pretty!!!" I don't really concentrate on my looks. After all, it is my personality that matters in the end. That's what really shows about a person. Right?
According to Tommy boi, Kyoya's club is in music room #3 and apparently Tamaki is the one that runs it! One of my good friends and one of the only ones that knows that I exist, except for my family. Tamaki also kinda knows I am coming but I told him to keep it secret from Kyoya not only because I wanted to surprise him but also because I was worried how he would react when he knew that I was moving back to Japan.

After climbing up those unnecessary long stairs I reached the club room and opened the door....bad idea there was a bright light and my face got pummeled by rose petals and as I was trying to spit them out, I heard a group of guys and one girl say, "Welcome!"
Tamaki came over to me and said "looks like we have a new princess what is your name my lovely rose?"
"Kiko, and Tamaki, seriously that is how you treat an old friend?" I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, "I mean I like you but not like that! And loose the rose petals they sort of hurt when you get pummeled by them!" Suddenly his eyes widened....uh oh....... "YOUR FINALLY HERE MON MEILLEUR AMI (my best friend in French)!!!!!!" And he started to squeeze the crud out of me! "Tamaki......can't.......breathe!" He backed away and started to do an extremely cheesy smile while rubbing his neck in embarrassment. All the club was staring at us awkwardly....... Then Tamaki broke the silence by saying," Introduce yourselves to her plebeians! Don't be rude to my other daughter!" Ughhhhhhh not this again....but they did as he said and after the weird group of people introduced themselves I said, "Well then hello! My name is Kiko Ootori, twin sister of Kyoya Ootori, I lived in France for the past 9 years studying art and fashion! I am a second year and if you noticed and are curious, I have a different eye color from Kyoya for a reason that we do not have to get in right now but, you might recognize me because I am a model known as Aya as well as the singer Sakura!" They all acted at first like I was joking, besides for Mori-Senpai (A/N: Kyoya is not at the club yet) and just as they were about to speak I asked the girl, "Um, excuse me but why are you in a boys uniform?" I asked politely. She responded, "Finally! Someone who isn't dumb enough to think I'm a boy (ehem Tamaki), but I'm in debt and long story short they didn't realize I was a girl so they gave me a males uniform and then I had a drink spilled on me so they found out I was a girl and now here we are!" I responded, "Nice to meet you Haruhi, I knew you were a girl due to your feminine features such as your eyes and face and maybe we can sing together sometime you seem like you would have a wonderful alto voice!"
For some time I was just stared at but then the twins started to ask questions such as 'can you tell us apart?!' And 'I didn't know Kyoya had a twin sister?!' And 'how do you have such silky hair?!'

Just as I was about to answer their curious questions Kyoya barged into the room........Well here goes nothing I guess....... He said, "Sorry guys I'm a little late I ha- Oh who is this?" I mean I guess 9 years can change someone quite some bit but I was still sad. I simply answered, "You don't remember me Kyo?" I started to tear up. I guess after the long flight, nervousness, and 9 cupcakes, I was a bit emotional he he um.
He just stared for some time.... damn I knew he was upset.
End of chapter 1

A/N: Well then sorry to leave you guys on a cliff hanger there but I will write a chapter every other day unless something important comes up! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Have a wonderful day readers!!!

Question to help me get to know you guys better:

What is your favorite movie?

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