The Coffee Boy

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Your job as a barista was...interesting. From your boss's crazy stories of home, to your bubbly co-workers, to the range of people that came in on a daily basis. You liked it, and it did help in paying for your last year at college. You grabbed a wet rag and smiled as you watched people bustle out of their apartments and to their jobs. Leaning over a table to scrubbed it until it shined. Your friend Alice was currently washing the windows and was teetering on a very unstable ladder. You shook your head and set down your things.

"Alice, stop. You're going to fall." You said with a smile. Shoving her out of the way you washed the high parts of the windows for your short friend. You gave her a smug smile and she rolled her eyes. You went back to cleaning tables. Mornings before opening were always quite, but it was the good kind. Once you finished washing the tables you checked the clock that hung on the far wall. It read 6:00 so you  grabbed the key and unlocked to door for customers. Sticking the keys in your pocket you stepped outside and turned the closed sign over so that it read open to people passing by. In the moment you took in a deep breath. It had rained last night, leaving small puddles in the streets and a fresh smell in the air. It was warm out, but there was a cool breeze. The sky was mostly clear except for a few white, fluffy clouds. I could just stand here forever. 

"Hey, come on we need your expert skills to get Mr. Sputters working." Alice leaned her head outside, snapping me out of my daze. 

"Oh brother." Mr. Sputters is what you and your fellow employees had named the coffee maker that always spit hot water at the user when it was first started. It had become your job to fix it. It wasn't a bad thing necessarily, it was just a thing that happened. You rolled up your sleeves and put on the goggles you're co-worker Josh handed you. Today is going to be interesting.


Your thoughts from earlier had come true. Today had been interesting so far. Your boss had popped in and yelled at anyone who would listen about her daughters cheer leading championship. Josh had to leave early for an appointment and two other employees had gotten "sick" and went home. Aside from Hank, who was a snot. The only one left was Alice. The coffee shop was down to three and it was lunch hour. You had been yelled at profusely for slow service. Alice was currently yelling at Hank for sleeping on the job in the storage room. You were luckily at a lull in customers so you managed to put a smile on your face. The bell above the door rang and you looked up. Two men about your age came in. One had blonde hair and blue eyes and the other had brown hair and blue eyes. Both were hot, but especially the brunette. You smiled kindly as they came to sit at the counter. You walked over to them.

"Hi, how are you?" You asked.

"We're both fine, but we'd much rather know about you." The brunette said smiling at you and leaning in your direction. You smiled and raised and eyebrow.

"Ignore my friend here. How are you?" The blonde asked with a smile.

"I'm pretty good, thanks. What can I get you guys?" 

"Just two cups of coffee. No sugar or cream." The blonde said. You smiled and walked into the kitchen to get them some coffee.

"So who are the two hot guys?" Alice asked nudging you. She had on a giddy smile. You shook your head.

"I have no idea." You replied. You made the drinks and delivered them. They thanked you and kept you busy in conversation. The blonde's name was Steve and the brunette's name was James, but he had asked you countless times to call him Bucky. Both of them were extremely sweet. Steve was more of a gentleman and Bucky was a total flirt. They stayed there for the rest of the day. You had offered them both dinner sandwiches, which they accepted. Alice kept fangirling over them. At closing you had parted and they boys said they'd be back for more coffee someday. You hoped they would.

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