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"She pointed at the map and said any place looks good to me, just run with me."



The long blades of grass shielded the full length of my body as I kneeled underneath them, hiding.

I peered through the stems, looking over to the clearing that rested comfortably in the middle of the woods, the very clearing that I considered my home. A smirk played on my face as I waited, remaining unseen. A breeze swept by, ruffling my oily dark brown hair in the wind. Small ants crawled around my knees and hands, which were imprinted into the dirt and mud underneath me. My muscles ached, but I knew that she would be here in no time. My heartbeat picked up speed just merely thinking about her. At any moment I knew I would see her in the flesh, but as for now, I could freely day dream about her while she was away.

She didn’t know this, but I thought about her more frequently now. These days she always crossed my mind at the most random times, occupying and taking over my mind constantly, filling my head with images of her grace and beauty, and the side of her that only I knew existed.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of twigs breaking, which meant she had arrived. I silently watched her from my perch, wondering what her reaction would be when she returned and I wasn’t there to greet her.

She stood still for a moment, taking in the loss of my presence. She stood tall on a pair of long, tan, lean legs. She wore some short cutoff jean shorts like she always wore, a black tank top, and her worn and ragged Converse sneakers. Six months of living directly in the wilderness had given them plenty of wear and tear over time.

Her long, natural black hair swayed gently in the breeze, freely brushing along her shoulders and back, wild and unmanageable, just like her.

She cautiously checked every inch of our clearing, looking behind each tree and boulder, and looked through our things to see if I had left her a note saying where I was. It seemed to me like she didn’t know what to do without me, she looked lost. It gave me a slight sense of satisfaction.

I waited until she had her back to me, then I leaped out and pounced on her. She screamed in surprise, then threw me off and spun around to see who her attacker was. She instinctively balled up her hands into fists, and I noticed a dangerous gleam in her eyes; she was about to beat the living shit out of me.

I put up my hands in defense and laughed at her expression when she discovered it was only me.

Her perfect mouth made an “O’ form, and she unclenched her fists. I thought the fight in her had disappeared, but I found I was wrong when she shoved me, putting both hands on my chest and forcing me back with as much strength as she had in her.

After her tantrum was over with, she threw her head back and laughed.

“Tyler, what the hell! You scared me to death, you butthole!” she screamed at me, a wide smile on her face,

I was breathless, but excited at my successful attempt to scare her.

“Why Sky, I could’ve sworn you said you were scared of absolutely nothing! You should’ve heard how loud you screamed! “Oh Tyler, I’m not scared of anything, I’m fearless! Oh Tyler, nothing ever frightens me!” I tell her, trying to mimic her in a girlish voice.

Sky tried to glare at me, but failed miserably whenever the corner of her lips turned up into a smile.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting for you to be mean and sneak up on me like that! No worries, I’ll get you back!” she said while giving me an evil smile and walking away.

“Yeah, and where will that get you? Once you get me back, I’ll never talk to you again, then you’ll be alone!” I teased.

Even though I was just messing with her, it remained true.

If we were to ever part, we would be completely alone.


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