Day Sixty-Nine

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"You're a freeze baby."

You scowled, your eyebrows coming together and an almost-glare appearing on your face. You weren't angry, but it was so cute when you pretended to be. "I'm not a baby," you said.

I laughed and sat beside you, scooting as close to you as I could. You brought your arm up and wrapped it around my shoulders, holding the blanket in your hand as you did so, making it so I was covered in a soft fabric. The wind from the sea was biting at my cheeks and fingers, but your body was radiating heat to my side and making me warmer.

"No," I said, looking out at the hazy sky, "But you're a freeze baby."

You huffed but didn't respond. Instead, you used the hand not holding the blanket to scoot me closer until I was almost in your lap, then you enveloped me in a hug, resting your head on my shoulder. The air was cold and you were warm, making me want to get even closer than we already were. You felt so good being so close to me, you were like happiness and comfort and the sun stuffed into a person.

I set my head on your chest, looking out at the sea. Birds flew across the sky, chirping loudly but somehow adding to the peace. I couldn't see where the sky met the water, but I imagined the sun was getting ready to set. The waves were steady and gentle, lapping at the shore as if trying to comfort it. 

You leaned close to my ear, "My parents won't be home tonight." Your breath was warm, that's the first thing I noticed. It felt good against my neck.

The second thing I noticed was what you said.

I turned my head and met your eyes, a shocked and excited expression resting on my face. You laughed and gave me a wink, your eyes revealing mischief. "You heard me, Strawberry," you said.

Needless to say, it wasn't quite as cold that night.

Lizzie darling, you gave me the number sixty nine. I could have resisted, but I really didn't want to.

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