Chapter One

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"De' arra, I'm talking to you!" Keith yelled as he grabbed her arm pulling her back into the room.

"What?!" She yelled as she yanked her arm back. "You have time to talk to me today? I thought you had to go to work."

"You're mad at me for providing for my family? That's fucked up! I'm working day and night for you and our daughter and this is the thanks I get for it?!"

"Nigga you sell drugs!" She yelled, "You're a wonderful role model." She sarcastically says while laughing.

"You talkin' shit like your past is squeaky clean." He said while laughing. "I guess you forgot that you use to be on yo hoe shit fucking with me and my cousin!"

That hit a real soft spot for De' arra. She felt like she was brainwashed and she really didn't understand everything that she was doing back then but, she'd never let him see her sweat.

"Yeah I did, so what? With all the blood on your hands, including your best friend's, you really wanna go there with me?" She said as she stared him directly in his eyes.

"I'll be back later." He said as he got up and walked out the door.

"Where are you going? We're not done!" She yelled right before the front door slammed.


"Why the hell did it take you so long to open the door?" Keith asked as he stepped inside of the house. It looked like it hadn't been clean in months.

"It's too hot to walk." She said

"Why the hell don't you have the air on? I gave you money to get it fixed."

"I had to use it for something else."

"Where's my son?"  He asked, not wanting to argue with her. He was tired of giving her money and all she does is spend it on dumb, unnecessary shit.

"KJ!" Keke yelled, "Where's your other baby mama?" She asked referring to De' arra. As you can probably already tell, she is no longer best friend's with De' arra.

She felt like De' arra betrayed her. Not only did she continue to be with Keith even after she knew that KJ was his son, she even took him to see Keith behind her back. And Keke was beyond pissed when she found out De' arra was pregnant.

"Somewhere thinking about sucking my dick. Now stop asking about her. You don't even like her." Keith answered her question.

"Daddy!" KJ said as he came running down the stairs.

"Hey lil man." He said as he picked him up but a smell went up his nose. "Keke, why does he smell like dirty socks dipped in hotdog water?"

"I don't know." She shrugged as if she didn't care.

"Have you been bathing him? And why is he wearing the same clothes I saw him in last week?"

"Stop asking me all these damn questions!" She said as she opened up the kitchen draws looking for something.

He just shook his head and left with KJ.


De' arra was upstairs breastfeeding her daughter when she smelt something shitty.

"Did you fart?" She asked her daughter. She had just changed her diaper a few minutes ago but she sniffed again and it had no smell.

"The fuck?" She said before she got up and started walking downstairs.

"Keith, what the fuck is that smell? Did you shit on yourself?" She asked and then she saw KJ and his clothes were filthy.

"Oh my gosh what happened? Are you guys okay?"

"I'll tell you in a minute." He said


"What the hell is she doing with all the money you're giving her?" De' arra asked Keith after they bathed, clothed, and feed KJ.

"I think she's on drugs." He sighed.

"Are you sure? She hated the fact that her mom was doing drugs." Keke's mom passed away four months, and that's when things really started to go downhill for her.

"I know a drug addict when I see one. She's just not that deep in but she's getting there."

"You have to do something about this. KJ can't keep living there like that."

"I don't wanna take him away from her, but if that's what's best for him then I gotta do it." He said, if he wants to do things legally that might be hard considering his criminal records. "And about earlier, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have went that far. You mean everything to me, shawty. I love you."

"I'm sorry too."

"Nah, you were right. We have a family and I don't wanna leave you guys behind." He said as he tried to kiss her but she stopped him.

"So...., that means you're gonna quit and get a real job?" She asked while smiling.

"Yes, can I kiss you now?" He asked, she laughed before kissing him.

"Stop touching my butt witcho nasty ass!"

"You know you like it." He said making her blush. "Awww, look at you blushing and shit."

"Shut up!" She said as she hit him with a pillow.

"Keep hitting me and you ain't getting no dick."

"That's fine. I'll get a dildo."

"So, you gon' cheat on me with a fake nigga? That's real fucked up." He said while shaking his head.

She laughed before she kissed him. "I'm All Yours."

"You better be." He said as she picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked while giggle.

"You know where we're going." He smirked

"Oh my god." She laughed.





I know Chapter 1 kind of sucks but more drama and sex scenes for the freaks will come shortly.

De' arra ( Aaleeyah Petty ) in the MM

shesjayla 💖

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