A Few Years Later

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Kaito brought Aoko to a restaurant for a date. They both thought that the food was delicious. the waiter brought the couple their dessert. Kaito stood up from the table and went in the direction of the bathroom. Aoko waited for Kaito to come back.

"Don't be nervous now Kaito." he said to himself.

Kaito splashed some water on his face and dried it. He left the bathroom and walked over to the table.

"Aoko can I ask you something very important." Kaito said in a serious tone.

"Sure ask me anything." Aoko said.

For some reason the room was quiet. Kaito took a deep breath. He moved out from the table.

"Aoko will you marry me." Kaito asked.

The whole room was even more quiet than before, as if they were waiting for the answer.

"No." Aoko said.


"Of course!" Aoko answered with tears in her eyes.

The room cheered for the newly engaged couple.


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