The First Attack

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Once Kaito had gotten home he hid the diamond in his secret lair. Little did he know the organisation had seen him steal the diamond. They also saw him uncover that it was the Pandora. And not to make things any better they had figured out his identity. Kaito was in trouble.

Kaito went to school the next morning and went through his usual routine. He looked through the news about his successful heist the night before. He had finally avenged his fathers death. Finally. Kaito felt relieved. One boring math class later. It was lunch time. Kaito went outside with Aoko, Akako and Hakuba. Aoko and Kaito got into a fight as usual and Hakuba and Akako stood there amused as usual. Today was a normal day.

Kaito then felt a sharp pain. This pain grew into an agonising pain. Kaito dropped to his knees. He let out a scream before he lost consciousness. Aoko, Hakuba and Akako rushed over to Kaito's side. They all grew extremely concerned. They had no idea of what had happened until they saw blood pooling beneath him. They were shocked.

"Somebody call an ambulance NOW!" Hakuba shouted.

One of the other students did as Hakuba had said. Hakuba then turned Kaito over. There was a gunshot wound. He checked for a pulse and luckily there was a faint one. Everyone rushed over to see what all the fuss was about, even the teachers. Once they arrived they saw Kaito with a gunshot wound and a pool of blood under him. Everyone was shocked but the teachers were the most shocked. Hakuba had told the teachers that one of the other students had called an ambulance.

Hakuba checked for a pulse again as Aoko, Akako and everyone else stood in horror. The faint pulse was still there but Hakuba wasn't sure how long that would last if the ambulance didn't hurry.

"He deserves to die." said a man with a voice no one recognised.

"I'll shoot him again if it ends up killing him." the same voice said.

No one knew where the voice came from.

"Guys try to protect Kaito." the teachers said.

Everyone made a close circle around Kaito. They heard another gunshot so everyone scattered to see if anyone else had been shot.

"That was a grave mistake leaving your friend here unguarded and falling for my decoy shot." the man said.

"Everyone hurry-" Hakuba was saying but was cut off by the sound of a gunshot.

Everyone bolted back to Kaito.

"Lucky for you my shot missed his stomach and hit his leg instead." said the voice.

Not only did no one recognise the voice but they also couldn't identify where it was coming from. Once they reached Kaito they saw that the man was telling the truth. This time when Hakuba checked for a pulse he could barely feel one but it was still there.

"Whats the bloody delay with the ambulance!" Hakuba shouted with an angry tone. The ambulance arrived a few seconds later. They dashed towards Kaito, put him in the ambulance and rushed to the hospital sirens blaring. The police arrived 5 seconds after the ambulance bolted off.

"What happened here?" asked one of the policemen.

"Our friend was shot once in the stomach and once in the leg." Hakuba informed the officer.

"What was their name?" the officer asked.

"Kaito Kuroba." Hakuba replied.

"Did you see who shot him?"

"No but we heard the man's voice."

"I see that you guys missed me." said the voice in a cheerful tone.

"Th-that's the man who shot Kaito!" Aoko said.

"So you remember me. I'll tell you something then. I'm a trained assassin from a highly infamous organisation known around the world. My target is your little friend that went into the ambulance. He has something that my boss wants and now he's my target. I'd keep a close eye on that friend of yours." the man said.

"Show yourself you coward!" the officer yelled.

After hearing the news about the man everyone gasped in terror. What would Kaito have that a wanted organisation wanted? What was so valuable that they would nearly kill him to try and get?

"Oh yeah, and one more thing." said the assassin.

"You all know Toichi Kuroba, the famous magician, Kaito's father right.

Everyone nodded in response.

"Our organisation killed him because he was after the exact same thing Kaito was shot for. You see he was trying to stop us from getting it. Kaito was doing the exact same thing but he actually found it so I was assigned to shoot him."

Everyone stood wide eyed and in shock.

"Kaito was distraught after his father died you monster! He wouldn't stop crying for weeks!" Aoko shouted.

"As you can probably guess I don't care at all." the assassin said calmly.

The officers were searching the perimeter for the source of the voice. But they had no luck.

"I think I've run my mouth for too long so I'll be taking my leave." the assassin said.

After he had left everyone rushed to the hospital still shocked about the assassin's words. They waited for hours in the hospital. Hakuba asked the staff what took the ambulance so long.

"The staff said that the ambulance tyre was shot at." Hakuba said.

"It must've been the assassin. He must've wanted to slow down the ambulance so Kaito would have a worse chance of making it here alive." Akako said.

A member of the hospital staff came over to the students and teachers.

"Do you know we're the patient's parents are." she said.

"Ill call his mother." said one of the teachers.

"Ms Kuroba, would you come to the Ascot Hospital please. Your son has been in an accident." the teacher said.

10 minuets later Kaito's mother arrived at the hospital. She expected to see Kaito in a cast or something associated with a minor injury.

"Ms Kuroba would you follow me please." the nurse instructed.

Once she got to the hospital room she was in shock. She saw Kaito unconscious in a hospital bed with a stitched up gunshot wound and a bullet in a container on the table next to him. Once she saw that he was still alive tears of joy streamed down her face.

"I don't know what I would've done if I lost you too." Kaito's mom said with the tears still rolling down her face.

The nurse then said that Kaito should only have three visitors at a time because he was still unconscious. The first three visitors were Aoko, Hakuba and Akako. Once they entered they saw Kaito's mother sitting next to Kaito's bed. They were relieved that he was still alive and that he was safe in the hospital.

Wounds That Won't Close(A Kaito KID Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now