different options

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Why mother nature why, why must you always do this to me.

I went on a vacation with my cousin's to Bombay, just to visit my sister and her husband.

I was so happy and excited to go to this water park and then on the night before the actual day I got the early visit and it was almost ten days early I wasn't prepared for it at all and so I didn't had anything to use with me and it was eleven pm.

But thankfully my sister was staying with us there and she had brought some pads with her.

So the moral of the story is no matter where you go even if you just had your period a week before you go out of town. Still keep your essentials with yourself. Maybe someone else would need it. Just how I needed.

Now back to the point as I said in the last chapter, I will talk about the diffrent option that are out there to use on your days and are more comfortable to use.

I'll be honest here that I still haven't used anything other then pads but I have bought a menustral cup a couple month ago and as I said I wanted to use it but didn't have it with me in bombay and had to use pads. So I'll just have to wait untill next time and I'll definitely tell you guys how it feels one's I use it. :)

Menstrual cup

This is what a menustral cup looks like. It looks terrifying to me and any other vergin who sees it for the first time. I mean how am I suppose to get a damn cup inside my vagina and not be scared.

The major problem here is that you don't find it on any medical store or supermarket you regularly go to, do you? I am talking about India here.

Many people including my own sister's mother, aunt's have never heard about it and the funny thing is they don't wanna try something more comfortable.

I mean why the fuck you don't wanna take advantage of your non vergin vagina, whereas I have to wait untill marriage to use this thing.

That's what many girls think too when they firsr see this cup. That they can't use it until they loose verginity. Let's talk real here girl's.

Have you ever read or heared that a girl looses her virginity to a menustral cup or a tampon. NO

A girl looses her virginity when her vagina get penetrated by a penis, dick, cock or any other way you like to call it. In simple words when she have sex.

You aren't having sex with a tampon or menustral cup so you don't loose it.

A vergin can also use menustral cup and tampon. And if your momma object for that tell her to read this or any other online site where they explain the term vergin and non vergin.


will surely descriptively tell you how to use it, how it feel, and everything else when I will use it. In the mean time you can go and buy your own menustral cup online on Amazon or flipcart or search on other sites but I bought mine on flipcart and I saw in on Amazon too so I'm sure they sell this.

 In the mean time you can go and buy your own menustral cup online on Amazon or flipcart or search on other sites but I bought mine on flipcart and I saw in on Amazon too so I'm sure they sell this

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This is the cup available in the indian online stores. I have a medium size since I am 18 but you can look for your size according to your age.


No don't use them they are dangerous. They have toxic shock syndrome in them and it will kill you.

This is what many girls have heared about it from other girls who have only heared about it from some other girl but never personally searched anything related to it.

It is true that they have TSS in them But they aren't dangerous if you keep changing them from time to time. And use a low absorbency Tampon.

I am waiting for the regular tampax tampons to be in stock at flipcart so that I can buy them.

Once I get them I will tell you how they are and what it feels like and any other detail about tampons.


If you have any questions, doubts or any information that I forgot to mention then please do tell me about it.

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