Personal Information

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Hello my queen,

I am young wild love/Megha. I am just an ordinary, too lazy for her own good, the plus size girl.

My hobby is writing books.

My passion is Hair styling.

My dream is to become a professional Hair stylist and makeup artist.

Right now I am studying Bachelors in Buisness.

It was all up here just to let you know that I am not someone who has great knowledge about human anatomy more specifically a women's body.

I am just a teenage girl who hates her periods just like the rest of the teenage girls.

But let me tell you one thing,I have read lots and lots of books here on wattpad but never once did I came across a book that can be a little helpful for girls out there or just something where a bunch of girls can talk freely share there thoughts on what they think about their body or how they actually feel about it or just literally anything they want to talk about.

# If there is a book like this then do let me know.

So I suddenly came up with the idea of why not just start a book like this, maybe this can be the place where I can atleast get to rant about how much I hate my periods.

So you maybe wondering that how this is your book also...hear is the answer.

=) you guys can let me know what you want to talk about on the next chapter and what you feel like or if you are confused or if you need any help with anything related to period or just want to know more about this all. 

  I am not saying that I will give you the perfect solution but maybe my dear queens out there can give you just the answer that you need.

I will collect all the information I can and share it with you guys and if I miss anything then you let me and the rest of others know about it.

Pretty easy right ;)  as simple as YouTube but just not the video and also a little more personal space.

Let's just start this,

I will update daily and if by the end of June 10th I don't get any response on this then on 11th I may delete this book.

And please no rude comments on how ridiculous this is, because I already know it but I just don't want anyone to say that to me.

So queens be bold, be brave, stay beautiful and always keep an open mind.

PS:-) I am looking forward to your response.

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