1 - Jules: Girl Talk

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"You guys, I'd really appreciate it if we got out of here before christmas!" Leyla shouted as she flounced over to the door, with her Louboutin heels clacking with every step.

"Yeah yeah, relax Leigh, we're coming. Besides what's the big deal about going later anyway? There's a bus every twenty minutes, and we could also walk to the rail station, if you wouldn't whine about it each time." Kate was annoyed. And to be honest, I wasn't exactly pleased by Leyla's complaints either. She had been nagging for about twenty minutes just because she wanted to go prom shopping in NYC with us. She even woke us up at 8 am so we could go early. I looked at Kate and rolled my eyes. This was going to be a long day.

"What-ever:" Leyla said. "Come on, girls, even if you're not as thrilled about prom as I am you could at least pretend to be a tiny bit excited and support me in my outfit choice since you both like to call yourselves my best friends." I should've known. She now tried to guilt trip us.

"Not working, Leigh.", I grinned. Sighing loudly, Kate stood up and put on her leather jacket (it was still cold though it was May) "Let's go, Jules. And don't forget to tie your shoes." She winked at me and my two best friends both burst out in laughter.

"Haha. How does one get as funny as you guys?" I groaned sarcastically. Two days ago I tripped over my shoelaces in PE and they had been laughing about it ever since. Leyla calmed her laughter.

"Julie. That dress with those shoes? Oh dear, you were not planning to wear sneakers to a dress, were you?" I looked down at my Nikes. "Uhm..I- "

She sighed theatratically.

"Here. Wear these." Shaking her head in disapproval she handed me a pair of dark red varnish ballet flats. "Seriously, Jules, how do you even dare" Kate chuckeld. She always made fun of the way Leyla obsessed about fashion, though, she was one to talk. She loved to create new looks and encounter her own style. But unlike Leyla she didn't really care about the run-off-the-mill designer brands, no, she loved whatever was vintage.

Glaring shortly at my best friends I put on the shoes and grabbed my purse.

"On-y-va, people, off we go!!" I cheered, mimicking Leyla. We headed out of our dorm room, laughing and chatting about how we imagined prom to be, because let's face it: Every girl gets a little bit excited about prom. Even if it's just a teenie tiny bit.

Plus, prom at our school was a rare thing, in fact, we were the first ones to organize a ball in 4 years! Well, not exactly us three, there was a "Junebug Ball Committee" that included our school president Misty Bond and her minions, some Sophomore guys who were hoping to get girls, Lola Tirlington, Kyle Mortimer and Steph Muller, who were in Kate's Arts AP class and for some reason the Lipgloss-Sisters Barbie, Brittany and Brianna Van der Pol. I know what you think; how cliché is that!? But I guess you can't avoid clichés when you go to a boarding school in New Jersey. We were walking down the street (passing big houses with white picket fences, to keep up with the clichés) when I heard a grumbling sound from behind us.

"THE BUS!" Leyla shrieked. Kate and I sighed simultaneously and started running. Leyla was already a bunch of metres ahead of us. Heck, she could run like a leopard in those heels.

"Girls, I got you!" She already stood at the bus station as we tumbled towards her. I was huffing heavily while propping up my hands on my thighs. We sat down in the bus and I my pulse was still going 180. I really had to go to the gym more.

"Hey Kate, how about you take me with you when you go running the next time? I could use some training..." Heavy breathing. That was so embarrassing, we only ran for like 15 seconds and after 2 minutes I was still huffing like I was dying from lung failure.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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