Chapter Fifteen

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Hello everyone. This story has been relocated to Hinovel, which you can find and download on the App Store on your iPhone or Android.

If you would like to continue to follow Julie's journey please read her story there! Thank you to those who have supported my very first book on Wattpad. I am truly grateful.

I have also decided to retire this Wattpad account. This account which started as "rebekahleemusic7" and since been changed to its current username. I will always be grateful to the community I found on Wattpad in 2011 and I am still grateful to the community that still stands today.

If you wish to continue to follow me on my journey, my new account is @sincerelyrebekah. The reason why I am changing to a new account is to give me a fresh start. I've been on this account since I was a freshman in high school and now as someone in my mid-20s I want to start fresh. I hope to see some of you on the other side. Thank you for sticking with me for this long and new readers thank you for finding interest in my story to click it this far.

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