Chapter 5

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The coach gathers us all together to tell us what we're doing "right you have two options gym or basketball take your pick" with that they all parted ways one group went into the corner where the gym equipment is and the rest went to the court I stood there and watched them, out of the blue some lad yells "coach were short of one player" I look to see who yelled to find it was Jacob I look at him and he looks at me I quickly look away.

He turns to me and then says what I expected "go and play some basketball" I nod my head and walk onto the court, they all stop and stare at me "there is no way I'm playing with a girl" he spoke whilst holding the ball, I stepped up to him and smiled "then don't play" with that I pulled the ball from his grasp he look annoyed then went for the ball, I quickly dodged out of the way and he ended up ramming into another lad, turning to face me I smile "oops, here have the ball" he went to grab the ball I brought it back to my chest and through it to the other side of the court, it landing straight into the hoop without touching the backboard, everyone's head followed as it flew through the air and watched it go in perfectly, I couldn't help but smile at myself.

"well I'll go now then" I turn around and start to walk away, taking a few step and arm slides round my waist pulling me to his chest, tingles shoot round my stomach, I shivered at his touch and he chuckled into my ear "that was pretty hot kitten" his breath breathing in my ear and making the hairs on my back stand up, the whistle blew indicating the beginning of the game, I was on Jacob's team and the jerk was on the other.

Playing the game I barely broke a sweat, once coach blew the whistle half the lads fell on the floor whilst the others went and drank some water, I walked to my bag and grabbed my bottle of water taking a sip with my back to the guys I jumped as someone came up behind me, turning round to see none other than Jacob stood covered in sweat from head to toe I smiled "very appealing" I says whilst turning back to my bag he just chuckled.

Coach told us to play another game because we had just enough time.

As we played I started to sweat so when coach told to have a two-minute break at half time I took the opportunity to take off my shirt leaving me in short shorts and a boob tube, I turned around to see all the guys looking at me in lust, while Jacob was staring at the lads in anger 'what the hell's his problem' I ask myself, shaking the thoughts out of my head I went back to playing.

During the last half Jacob stayed incredibly close to me every time another guy came within two feet of me, it's just weird.

The bell rings for last class and everyone who had gym came through the door, we were still playing because we had five minutes of the game left, coach told the guys who came in to wait on the side while we finish our game.

Looking at who has the ball I see it's the jerk, also named Nick he's captain of the football and basketball team, I run towards him blocking him from getting a shot he stops and looks at me, smirks then throws the ball, I jump in front grabbing the ball and throwing to the other end of the court and into the hoop all the way from the other side of the court, coach blows the whistle signalling the end of the game.

Turning to look at Nick he's standing there in utter shock as are the people who entered the room a few minutes ago, "and that is how you play" I smiled at him sweetly, coach walked up to me stunned "well that was a great game I've never know a girl to play that well, let alone beat our star player and captain" I smiled and walked over to my bag to get a drink.

As the rest of the last lesson progress the girls were giving me weird looks half the lads were still in shock and well the rest were either not bothered or pissed off that I played better than them, is was quite funny.

The bell rang for end of lesson I walk back into the changing rooms wanting to change and walk out but not before Krista Melanie and Chloe show up in front "can I help you?" I ask sweetly but with a look of boredom, she glares sticking her nose in the air then walking off to get change, 'that's weird no come back', walking out the changing rooms I head to my car to head home.

Walking out he front doors of the school I head to my car, a figure is leaning against it the closer I get I see Jacob.

Stopping in front of my car and Jacob, he looks up and gives me a smirk, I guess last night meant nothing "what do you want?" I snapped, he looks at me confused "what's wrong kitten?" he cooed whilst stepping closer to me so now we were millimetres apart, I melt at him calling me 'kitten', I gulped and looked in his eyes, "nothing's wrong Jacob what can I do for you?" asking in a whisper, wrapping one of his arms round my waist, he pulled me to him, we were now standing chest to chest no gap in-between us what so ever.

Leaning his head down to my neck he kissed it softly making me shiver and him chuckle, he pulled his head away and I looked him in the eye "I want to take you somewhere" he speaks, his breath blows onto my lips, "where are we going?" I ask he leans down so our lips are merely centimetres apart then says three words "it's a surprise" he pulls back, turning around and hopping into the driver's side of my car, I look at him "you took my keys" he nods his head I gasp "from my back pocket" he chuckles I slap his arm and he laughs more "get in kitten" I roll my eyes and walk round getting into the passenger side, closing the door he turns the ignition and drives out of school, we get a few looks from people in the lot.

Turning to look at him "what about your ride?" "It's already been delivered to my place" I nod my head and turn back to the road.

"where are we going?" I groan looking at him, he reaches over grabbing my hand and entwining my fingers with his "it's a surprise" I groan as I look back to the road "you know Krista going to have a field day when she finds out we left school together" I tell him, he looks at me for a moment before turning his head back to the road "well it will be a perfect show tomorrow then" I couldn't help but laugh at what he said, the rest of the drive we sat in a comfortable silence, Jacob driving with one hand while the other still entwined with mine, I looked out the window I couldn't help but smile.

He pulled the car into a driveway of a very large mansion, he switches off the engine and gets out I follow him, walking up to the door he pulls out a key opening the door and walking in, I follow him into what appears to be the family room, some of the seats are taken up by a bunch of lads, Jacob puts the keys on the counter with a clash gathering the lads attention I realised all the lads are his brothers "hey" I smiled they all chorused back a "hey" as well, hearing a squeal coming from the floor in front of the TV I look to see Jamie staring at me with a huge grin on his face "LEXI" he screams jumping up and running to me, I realise Jacobs hand and bend down and scoop him up in my arms giving him a hug "hey Jamie" I smiled at him.

Placing Jamie down Jacob grabs my hand dragging me to the couch, sitting down I follow by sitting next to him only for him to place his hands on my hips and pull me to his lap, I look at him with a 'what the hell!' look he shrugs his shoulders pulling me down so my head is on his shoulder, I look at Joe, James, Jayce and Jamie then back at Jacob "Jake what are you doing?" I ask slightly confused he grins then kisses my forehead I sit up and look at him then sigh "this is so wired" I begin shifting to get off him but he grabs my hips keeping me in place, I look at the boys for help they just grin at me "can't I have some help please?" they shake their head turning back to the TV, I turn my head to Jamie on the floor who's still looking at me "Jamie help me" I tell him he shakes his head "no he's your boyfriend" with that he also turns his head back to the TV, behind my I hear Jacob laugh turning to look at him I glare and he just smiles, what the hell.

"he is not my boyfriend" I cross my arms over my chest shoving my chest up I also stick out my lip Jacob laughs at my act, then looks down to my chest, I couldn't help but bit my lip, looking back at my face he groans I raise an eyebrow "what's wrong with you?" I ask, rubbing his face with his hands he looks at me "don't bit your lip" he says so for fun I bit my lip again, before I know it his lips are crashing to mine, seconds later my lips move in sync with his, I smile into the kiss.

Someone cleared their throat behind us causing us to pull apart, I looked to where it was coming from the see Joe, James and Jayce looking at us two with smiles on their faces I look at them they all chuckle "dude not in front of Jamie" he says I look at Jamie who is still looking at the screen, I smile sheepishly at the boys "sorry besides it wasn't my fault he the one that kissed me" I tell them pointing at Jacob he just smiled and rolled his eyes.

I stayed at Jacobs a few hours then I headed home fora long bath then bed.    

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