Chapter Two

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My eyes wondered around my hometown, a small village in the North East, floral, humble, quiet, people gestured smiles to eachother of a morning, the pleasant sounds of birds tweeting in the background warmly greeted you in the spring, and the sound of nothingness allowed you to sleep in of a winter.

It was a utopia.

But becoming a distant memory for me as today was my last day in the place in which I was born and raised.

My Granmama, stood just outside my door, arms open, her silver hair feathered her face and her blue eyes glistened with tears. She was just about as tall as me 5.7 foot, she had slight wrinkles in the corner of her eyes, she was the very steriotypical Granmama.

'You take care of yourself sweetheart...' My Granmama spoke softly as I embraced her arms.

'I'm gonna miss you Granmama.' I sobbed, tears streamed from my face.

'Now, now,' she soothed me 'Its not long until your seventeenth, we will be down to see you...'

All I did was nod, as the stone of hurt stuck deep in my throat.

'Now go say goodbye to Gramps.' Granmama instructed.

She lightly kissed my forhead before swiftly pulling away. Her hand gestured to the end of the driveway where Gramps stood, facing the road, staring into the sky.

I slowly walked to his side,

'I'm so sorry Gramps' I whispered.

He turned to me, his warm brown eyes made my bottom lip quiver, he wore a tea cozy brown version immatation of a jumper, green jeans with his red checkered slippers.

'Do not blame yourself my sweet, we shall see you soon, okay?'

The tears, continued to stream down my face as he spoke.

'Just never give up on yourself... Promise?'

I nodded. He raised his left hand as he brushed the tear from my face with his thumb.

'Now wheres your Mother?' He asked angryly.

I shrugged.

- I knew she wouldn't come to see me set off. She hated me-

Gramps gave me one big squeeze before guiding me towards my stepdads car.


It was a crummy old thing, I couldn't even identify the make, the colour of green with rust building up the walls of the car.

My stepdad, stepped out the drivers side, he looked as crummy as the car, his black hair barely showing through the grey roots, his green eyes pale, he walked towards me with a slight limp, he wasn't the brightest of the bunch, but he cared for me, when Ma wanted nothing to do with me.

He walked around to open the passenger door...

'Come on buddy, lets go' He said empathetically.

I gave him a slight smile, dragging my feet all the way to the passengers seat.

I took one more glance in hope to see the woman that had raised me all my life.

She wasn't there.


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