12 - Recovery

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Adrian's POV

She's been out for a week! 

I keep pacing the the first floor of the pack's hospital wing and narrowing my eyebrows. I paced up and down the halls waiting for something to change. I've barely left the hospital and I'm going slightly crazy. That guy she fought should be glad she killed him because I would have ripped his head from his shoulders. I would have turned wolf and ripped him apart piece by piece for hurting my Mate. He made her like this! She's almost comatose and nothing I say or do makes anything better or worse.

Doctors say that marking her could make things a little better but I know that she doesn't want me to mark her yet. I'd love to have it that it's displayed that she's mine but at the same time I don't think I'd be able to survive the full bond and heartbreak if she dies. I hope she doesn't dies.

They say she needs time and that me pacing up and down halls doesn't help anyone. I know I get in the way but at least the Alpha understands. He said he'd do the same thing if it were his Mate. He still hasn't met Cora yet but I don't know how he's going to react when he does. Sighing I sat on the floor with my back against the wall and tried to breathe. My Mate and love of my life isn't waking up after a traumatic experience that I couldn't prevent. The stupid bitch had stuck a needle with a small amount of wolfsbane in me. I was powerless to help her. I saw her hurt face as she turned to me.

Nate feels bad too. The first time they had seen each other and spoken in ages and it was at the worst possible moment. Not to mention Josh's Mate has moved out of his house because he tried to get to Cora. Stupid selfish bitch....I should rip her head off too. That's his friend! Cora can see and feel everything they do together and I couldn't even begin to imagine what that is like. I could feel when she slept next to him but I couldn't feel her emotions and I couldn't see through her eyes. There's something strange going on with her and I can't quite explain any of it. 

Someone shouldn't be able to see through another person's eyes. It's not natural and it's the work of some sort of magic. I get that she's a mermaid/siren but that doesn't mean that she should be able to do that. It doesn't make sense and I intend to ask Mira about it but I don't want to leave in case Cora wakes. 

"How are you doing?"

I turned around and saw Josh leaning against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pockets. "Not good."

Josh nodded, "How is she doing?"

"Not any better," I replied. 

"I know you don't like me but....I'm Cora's friend."

"You were her friend, you betrayed her and stopped seeing her. She sat outside for four hours one night and came back inside my house in tears. IN TEARS! Josh do you know what happened that day?" I asked seething. He shook his head and looked confused. "That was the day your Mate came back and you marked her within...minutes."

"I'm guessing she felt it through the bond," he said miserable.

"No...that she would have been able to handle," I said angrily. "She didn't just feel it Josh...she saw it."

"That's impossible no one can see through another person's eyes," Josh said confused. "You've got to be lying."

"I'm not....it's true," I said. "I think it's magic."

"Magica...." Josh said thoughtfully. "Could be but who would do that?"

"Maybe it's a...a curse?" 

"Doubt it but who would cast it?"

"Who hates her?" I asked.

"My Mate, your ex, maybe the Alpha or there's a few guys at school she turned down." Josh stood thoughtfully against the wall. "There would have to be a list....her friends back in Essex?"

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