8 - Can I do this?

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So..... how are you guys feeling about this so far?

Adrian is going to have some catching up to do if he wants to call Cora his Mate.

Cora's mermaid and wolf have been ignoring her lately so I am glad to release this spoiler and say confidently that they make a reappearance soon.

Love you all


I stared down at my plate....I eyed Adrian for a second before staring back at my plate. I mean it didn't look horrible...there was bacon, eggs and pancakes with mapple syrup and strawberries. Ok I had to this....I still haven't promised him anything but I said I think about trying out our whole relationship thing. There was denying I loved him, because of the stupid Mate bond, but I also loved Josh. My Josh, the one who is cuddly and cuddles me all the time. The Josh who would hold me tight all night. Then he turned into the Josh he is now. The Josh that hates me, the Josh that couldn't stand to look at me. Yesterday I brushed off his concern for me and why? Now I'm stuck here. I should have begged Josh to mark me. I should have made him, he should be mine right now. I have so many conflicting feelings and I don't want this to be this way. I'm still mega angry at Adrian. 

But if Adrian didn't leave I wouldn't have spent those amazing weeks with Josh.

See? Conflicted. 

Ok I'm going to try this stupid food. I took a fork full of this greesey mix and tried not to vomit and I shoveled the first bite down. I took a little bit to actually taste it but when I did I decided something. It actually wasn't that bad. I grinned and started shovelling as much food in me as I could manage. When I was completely full I smiled at Adrian who stood leaning against the wall. Very sexily I might add. 

"Good?" He asked.

"Yeah surprisingly."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing," I said lowly. "It means nothing."

An hour later I had my head in the toilet...yeah great idea Cora. Let the guy cook for you, the guy who left you and obviously has no idea what he's doing when it comes to cooking. I have to stop thinking about that! For pete's sake Cora stop thinking about what he did! Start thinking about what he will do. He has so much he needs to make up if he wants to even think about this working. Tears started welling in my eyes for Josh. I wanted my friend....the one who didn't take me for granted. I wanted my boyfriend. Instead I was Mate-napped and stuck in this stupid house. And now because I was stupid enough to let him cook my head was in the toilet.

Food poisoning.

A wave of nausea came over me and I only just got my head in the toilet in time. I threw up and groaned. Adrian was rushing around the room asking me what I needed, what I wanted and how I was feeling. Since I was too sick to answer he just ran around worried. Oh my god someone shut him up! I'm seriously not in the mood. There was a pillow next to me and I got an evil plan that formed magically in my brain.

"Oi purple monkey brain," I said throwing the pillow at his face. "Stop worrying you worry--"

I didn't get to finish because I threw up again. This time I missed the toilet and got it all over my clothes. You know what? Fuck Adrian! I hate him at the moment. He did this to me....made me all sick. He made me run to Josh and now Josh was out there probably worried about where I am. It made me worried that he was probably worried. I really just wanted Josh right here to hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok. 

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