Part 4: YG

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I ate alone at the pantry room. Everyone stayed away from me when they knew that Dongwook oppa had proposed me.

Donggu: Can I sit here?

Me: Ne.

Donggu: I swear that I didn't tell them about Dongwook hyung.

Me: Gwaenchanha.

Donggu: They envy you.

Then, I heard a voice saying,

A woman: Isn't it enough for her to have Dongwook oppa and now she wants Donggu oppa? Aigoo. Useless.

Donggu: Yah! Did she bother you guys anyway?

A woman: Why are you supporting her?

Donggu: Because I-

Me: Enough. Enough!

I stood up and ran to the toilet.

Me: Mwoya ... Who told them about that ...

Suddenly, my phone rang and I thought it was Dongwook oppa.

Me: Yeoboseyo?

Jiyong: Truly-ssi, are you crying?

Me: Urm Jiyong oppa. Where did you get my number?

Jiyong: Weren't you the one who gave me your number?

Me: Ah mianhae. I forgot about that.

Jiyong: Gwaenchanha? Can we meet after school?

Me: Where?

Jiyong: Please come to YG Entertainment buildings.

Me: I'm not feeling well.

Jiyong: Yah ... I'll fetch you there.

Me: Gwaenchanha. I just want some rest.

Jiyong: Lee Truly. You're not okay. I can read your voice and the way you talk with me. You're not a soft-spoken woman.

Me: Ne. I'll go there.

Jiyong: Arasseo. Don't tell lies if you want to stay happy. Annyeong.

He hung up the phone and I continued to cry.


Me: Is this YG Entertainment buildings?

I walked to the main door and a guard stopped me.

Guard: Give me your card.

Me: What card?

Guard: Card to scan here.

Me: I don't have any.

Guard: Then why are you here?!

Me: I want to meet Jiyong oppa.

Guard: Go away! If you are his fans then we can't allow you to walk in.

Me: But he wants to meet me!

The guard gripped my hand and I smacked him down.

Me: Mworago?! You're hurting a woman!

Suddenly, I saw Taeyang walking out.

Me: Taeyang oppa!

He turned around and walked towards me. I left the guard alone crying for help.

Me: Is Jiyong oppa here?

Taeyang: Ne. Are you ... Lee Truly?

Me: Ouh how do you know me?

Taeyang: He told me about you. He wants to meet you. Come in. Ouh what had happened to that guard?

Me: I smacked him down.

Taeyang laughed and brought me into the buildings.

Me: Wah ... So beautiful ...

Taeyang: Here.

I saw Jiyong oppa was practising singing and dancing with the other members.

Taeyang: Jiyongi!

Jiyong oppa ran towards us.

Jiyong: I know you'll come. Come and sit there. I'll talk with you when I finished my practice.

Me: Ne.

I looked at their dancing. They were very professional. They danced without singing.

Jiyong: Ah ... Done.

Me: You're good at dancing.

Jiyong: Gomawo. Here, you know them right? I asked them to keep this as secret.

Seungri: Hyung, you should date her for real.

Daesung: Ne! You suit each other well!

TOP: Hey, why don't we invite her to join us next week? I'm sure the school is closed during holidays!

Taeyang: Ne. Will you join us?

Me: Where?

Jiyong: Somewhere that can make you happy.

Me: Can we invite Kwangsoo oppa too?

Daesung: Sure. He will shine our days there!

Me: I'll call him later.

Jiyong: Eomma went home this morning. She wants to come again later. She said your cooking yesterday were very delicious.

Me: Kamsahamnida ahjumma!

Jiyong: Why are you crying?

Me: Me? I didn't cry.

Jiyong: Jinjja? I heard your voice was shaking just now.

Me: Jinjja? Nothing. Gwaenchanha.

Jiyong: Let's eat something and introduce ourselves like we're starting it all over again.

Me: Ne.

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