What is it about?

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Last year I created a thread with this game in and it was taken down because it was a role play and I decided to continue this but with a book. It sounds confusing an complicated but I'll try to explain in properly but it will make sense when we actually play it.

There will be a murder (this will change each round), there will be the detectives (these will be you) who will try to find out who the murderer is. There will be a murderer within the group of detectives (this will be chosen at random by me). Each day or couple of days there will be a clue (this will either be something about the timings on someone's profile).

However when naming a suspect, you must write up why you think that person is the killer but having evidence against them. I will let you know whether that is the killer if I think the evidence is valid then I will let you know if they are the killer or not.

I will write down character profiles, evidence and other important information in other pages.

The aim is to find out who the killer is within 2 weeks. 

I don't have many rules (I might get some later) but the only rule that I do have is don't be rude to anyone. 

If anyone has any questions about it pm me or comment down below, I know it's not very clear but this is the best I can explain it. 

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