Chapter Four

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Chapter Four 

“How is she?” Crowe asked as she stood up from her desk and walked over to the window.

Katerina had left the office, but Felix remained.

“Still having nightmares, but I guess it's only expected after everything she went through.”

“Do you...” Crowe faltered, wondering why her voice sounded so weak and childish

“Do you think I made the right decision?” This earned a small chuckle from Felix.

“I guess we'll have to wait and see, but it sure is better than kicking her out. You were right, she doesn't have anywhere else to go.”

Crowe turned away from the window and made her way towards Felix. With the air of authority that Crowe always carried around her, Felix sometimes forgot how small she actually was.

“You'll take care of her, look out for her.” There was no question in her voice, it was a demand.

“She's fragile, but you won't forget how powerful she is. We need to help her harness this power.” But Felix held his hand up

“I know, don't worry I've got this.” He smirked and turned away to leave, but as he closed the doors behind him his smile faltered. He'd never seen Crowe like this, what was it about Katerina that was so special?

* * *

“What was that?” Felix approached Katerina who was sitting on the edge of the window she had leaned out of before, her legs dangling outside.

“Oh you know, just the usual praise for my contribution to this school.”

Katerina scoffed flicked her hair out of her eyes in a strangely similar motion to Felix.

“We'd better get going, busy schedule today.” He waited, but Katerina stayed where she was, swinging her feet a little in the breeze.

“I'm not getting in that thing again.”

“Well there aren't any stairs, so unless you're planning of jumping out of that window-” as soon as the words left his mouth, Katerina looked over her shoulder and threw a mischievous smile at Felix before leaning forward and dropping out of the third story building.

“Hey!” Felix yelped in surprise, jumping forward in attempts to catch her, but she slipped through his fingers in a gust of smoky-vanilla scented air.

His heart jumped in his chest as he leaned forward tentatively, but instead of her body splattered on the sidewalk, he looked just in time to spot her float to the ground as if she had a parachute attached. Hearing the elevator ding from behind him, he raced to catch the doors and the short ride down felt like minutes, giving Felix an inkling of the trapped feeling he knew Katerina felt. When he finally burst out into the courtyard, he spotted Katerina leaning against the building, gazing curiously at the people passing her by.

“Don't ever do that again.” He roared as he stormed towards her.

“Were you worried about me, Felix?” The playful tone in her voice and glint in her eyes took Felix by surprise for a second, it was almost like she was a completely different person to the introverted awkward girl he had seen opening her bedroom door.

“That's not funny” Felix grumbled as he began to walk away, but slowed down enough for Katerina's short legs to catch up.

“Maybe next time you'll reconsider trapping be inside the metal jaws of that demon.” Despite his best efforts, Felix let a small smile slip onto his face,

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