Addictions and Pandas

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Wave Master has updated his status:
I like to eat, eat, eat, bluuueeee pancakes!

Wise Girl: *facepalm*

Sparky: I'm so sorry Annabeth.

Wise Girl: why?

Sparky: Percy just drank a gallon of Dakota's Kool-Aid.

Queen of Gems: Nico is bouncing off the walls! He keep asking me if he can go to Starbucks.

Shadow Master: I want STARBUCKS! I want STARBUCKS!

Calypso: Leo has an addiction for.... Nutella?

Flame Boy: Pls Sunshine, can we go to the store to get some Nutella?

Calypso: no!

Calypso, Wise Girl and Thalia the Hunter: where did we go wrong?

Zhangmaster: *snickers*

Beauty Queen: what's so funny?

Sparky: you just commented ASDF!

Zhangmaster: my favorite one is the train one! 🚂 LMAO!

Shadow Master: mine is the magical pony!🦄

Wave Master: I like the "EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP!" ROTFL

Sparky: MINE TURTLE!!!🐢

Girls: kill me now.

Shadow Master: ok! *smiles evilly*

Queen of Gems: Nico calm down...

Beauty Queen: I can help with that. *charmspeaks* Nico calm down.

Shadow Master: *calms down*

Zhangmaster: has anyone seen my stuffed panda?

Wave Master: RIP, Perry the panda! HE WAS SUCH A GOOD FRIEND!

Flame Boy: you have a stuffed panda? *dies of laughter*

Zhangmaster: you wanna go Valdez! *turns into a grizzly bear*

Queen of Gems: Boys! Calm down!

Flame Boy and Zhangmaster: *calms down*

Beauty Queen: her voice works better than my charmspeak.

Sparky: *says like a narrator on a tv commercial* only with Frank and Leo.

Shadow Master: have you heard the song Panda?

Zhangmaster and Wave Master: no dip, Sherlock!

Queen of Gems: Panda, Panda—

Wise Girl: Panda, Panda...

Thalia the Hunter: Panda, Panda.

Calypso: I got broads in Atlanta, Twisting dope, lean and the Fanta

Queen of Gems: credit cards and the scammers, hitting off licks on the bando,

Wise Girl: Black X6, Phantom, White X6, looks like a panda.

Boys: 😱

Zhangmaster: who'd you learn that from?!

Octavian the killer: ME!!!

*Boys kill Octavian*

Wave Master: I don't want to here those words ever from your mouths again

Flame Boy: got it?

Girls: ok, MOM!

Octavian the killer: ROAST!

Everyone; how are you still alive?

Octavian the killer: I'm not. I'm just haunting you guys... 😈

Everyone: *screams*

Flame Boy: we're all gonna die!!!

Everyone: *panics*

Octavian the killer: HAHAHAHA!!!😈😈

(If you have never watched ASDF, there's something wrong with you. JK! Watch it on YouTube. Like Frank said, my favorite one is the train one. "I like singing," "I like dancing," "I like trains" *train runs him over* LMAO!

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