A Howl for Help

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(sorry it's so short, it's just the prologue)


My life was perfect. I had everything a 14 year girl could ever want I just never realized it. I'm sure you've read that line in a hundred different books, but behind those words, there was nothing. No feeling or actual meaning. Just something to catch the readers eye. But when I say this, trust me, it's the truth. My world was turned upside down in less than a day and I never even got to say goodbye to everything I used to love. But as time rolls on, I begin to think that maybe this new life won't be that bad at all. Loosing everything sometime means you just have that much more to gain.


I walked down the snow covered street, my feet crunching on the thin layer of ice. Pulling my hands up to my face I blow into them, desperate for the cold burn to were out. In front of me the fog of my breath, combined with the light snow that is gently floating down, I can barely see a single thing in front of me, putting me on edge. I begin to walk faster.

Something snaps behind me so I twist me head around in panic. No one's there. I pull my coat tight around me and keep walking. Probably just a squirrel. Pine trees tower around me, looking like a picture out of a post card with their branches lightly dusted with the sparkling white snow. One of the many benifits of living in Vermont. On the down side, it almost always cold.

A quick movement in the woods catches my eye. I turn and lean into the trees, but once again nothings there. I get that feeling that someones watching me, but try and calm down. It's just a squirrel I murmur quietly as I walk even faster. It freezing out anyway.

A sigh of relief escapes my chapped lips as my house emerges from the fog. I smile and slow down a bit, feeling much safer. I start to take off my gloves when an arm reaches around my waist. A strong arm.I panic and try to scream but a hand comes over my mouth with a rag in it. I kick hard and thrash my arms around wildly but it's no use. Whoever this is they have a grip like stone.

I take a deep breath. Big mistake. My eyes grow heavy and my body limp. They let go of me and I slump to the ground just as the world goes black and I loose conciseness. The last thing I see are paws. Lots of clawed paws slowly moving my way. Wolf paws.


Did ya like it????? Strange, it seems every book I start, the first chapter ends in the main character passing out. Well if you don't like my style, please tell me! I want to improve but I can't if you don't help me! So tell me what you thought!!! :)

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