Chapter 7: The Tragedy

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 It's hard to forget someone who gave you too much to remember.

Something is wrong. 

I can feel it in my bones. I can feel it in my breath. I can feel it in my heartbeat. Something is very very wrong. 

 I stop by at Danielle’s house. It is nearly one a.m. I look at Danielle and I see that she still isn’t leaving. 

“I’m sorry if your parents get mad,” I tell her. 

She waves her hand at me. “Its fine, Matt,” she says, shrugging. 

“I had a great time, by the way,” I say. 

She turns to me, bright blue eyes sparkling. She smiles and it’s the smile that completely wrecks me. I forget to breathe and I also forget all about Kayla and the bad feeling I had a moment ago. 

“Me too,” she agrees and then she does something which Danielle Tanner should never do. 

She leans forward, slowly and hesitantly. I freeze and then her lips are coming in contact with my fucking forehead. I can feel the softness of them and I can feel the heat she leaves behind as she pulls away. I know that I am blushing and I know that I should say something, anything but words have failed me and I am completely and absolutely stunned. 

“What was that?” I whisper after an eternity of silence.

“A thank you,” she answers and then she opens the door and slides out of my car. 

I watch her head to her porch and I am holding my breath as she glances over her shoulder. She smiles and the corners around her eyes crinkle. She looks absolutely beautiful and when she shuts the door behind her, I take a moment to compose myself but my heart is beating too fast for it to matter. 

I head to my house, still thinking about Danielle and still unbelievably thinking about Kayla. I stop the car at the garage and when I walk up the porch and take off my shoes, I get that feeling again. That really terrible feeling when you know that something bad is about to happen. 

I look around the house; everything looks normal but that doesn’t ease my nerves. I use my key to open the door and I step inside the dim living room. I sigh and turn on the lights before heading towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. 

As I put the glass under the tap, I think about Kayla again. I don’t know why she just popped into my life all of a sudden but it’s as if I’ve been walking around in the dark for far too long and then she just suddenly appears from afar, a bright burning flame that will never be doused and I suddenly know where I am going now. 

Towards her.

I drink the water and I relish the satisfaction it leaves me in. I feel relieved and I feel immensely happy. It’s as if I had lost a piece inside me and now, I have somehow been reunited with it. I feel whole again but the question is: What was the missing piece? Or more importantly, who was it?

I put my glass down and head upstairs. All the lights are turned off and when I finally heave myself up the stairs, pain suddenly flares up in my right foot. I cry out and fall on my hands and knees and the pain is suddenly all over my body, burning and crippling me to the ground. Tears spring out of my eyes and I look at my hands and I see something glinting jutting out of my skin. Blood slowly gushes out of the wound. 

I look around and I see glass pieces littered across the floor. It almost looks like a mine field and I have just stepped straight into it. 

I look ahead and I see that the door to Dad’s room is open. 

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