Chapter 27

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Now onto the story those that are hungry for one XD THANK YOU FOR 10K+ READERS QAQ (i drew it as a thanks XD)

"G-grillby...?" You mumbled as you looked at him. He was lifting you up in bridal style, his warm hand holding you firmly yet gently.

You turned your head and saw the tree that you once leaned on, which had a large hole on the bark. You shuddered, thinking of how it would've if you were still lying there.

Sans seemed to be in shock at the sudden event. He gritted his teeth and glared at Grillby.

"What are you doing?!" Sans yelled, not understanding why Grillby took side on you.

Grillbt stayed silent as he walked towards one of the trees and put you gently into the snow. Flowey looked at him, probably still confused as Sans were, but relief were presented on his eyes. You then noticed his hands were holding groceries bag, which he set next to you. He was just on his way from shopping?

"G-grill...don't..." you tried to hold him of, trying to grab his shirt but you winced as you tried to move it. Grillby shook his head and crouched down. He lifted his hands up and patted your dishelved head gently.

"Its okay, just hold on." Grillby's hand slowly went to your cheeks as he wiped your tears. You hesitated but nodded at him. He stood up and walked towards Sans.

" trusted her?" Sans looked at Grillby, his face was smiling desperately, tears still presented on his face.

"She wore that scarf three days ago," Grillby answered, walking while he loosened his tie. "And i knew she's nice." He stopped walking and looked at Sans.

"Grill..." Sans eyes were filled sadness as it glowed blue. He lifted his hands up as the gaster blaster appeared out of thin air.

"Heh...then so be it." Sans mumbled. He lowered his head and the gaster blaster started blasting the lasers at Grillby.

You shut your eyes, not wanting to see anything further. Where was the Sans you knew on last timelines?

You held back your tears and cracked your eyes open, which made you astonished as you saw what happened.

"..." Grillby had both of his hands in front as a shield, pieces of his clothes were burned from the attack.

(Oh god i just realised i rhymed it XD)

"How did you-" Sans couldn't finish his words as Grillby lunged forward, fireballs forming at his hands. He ran to Sans and shot multiple fireballs towards him.

"!!!" Sans teleported away form the attack as they hit the ground, forming cloud of smoke and you couldn't see Sans behind it.

Grillby turned around and ran towards you, lifting you up in bridal-style, again and ran towards the waterfall.

"Why didn't you just finish him?!" Flowey asked in a harsh tone. He must've really hated Sans.

"I can't." Grillby replied. "We all knew he's too strong to be defeated." He told Flowey. Flowey looked at him before sighing in agreement.

"Then where will we go? He will chase us soon." Grillby looked at you before looking up again.

"We need to get _______ treatment first." Grillby resonded. You looked at Grillby, almost pasing out.

"But both you and Flowey are hurt too..."

Flowey seemed to have heard it since he turned to look at you in astonishment. He smiled as he poked your cheeks.

"Don't worry, you need it more than we do. Now take a rest, dimwit." He told you. Grillby looked at both of you with a confused face begore shrugging and concentrating back on the path.

You nodded, your eyes felt heavy as it started to close until you fell unconcious in Grillby's arms.

"Thank you..."


"Is she awake yet?!"

"S-she should be awake by now..."

"Then why is she not?!"

"I-i don't know..."

"______?" You heard a familiar low voice called. You grunted as you slowly opened your eyes. You winced as you saw for three blurry shadows blocking the lights from you.

"Finally you're awake, dimwit!" Flowey sighed in relief. You stared at him before turnung your attention to the others.

"H-how do you feel?" You looked at the monster in the lab coat.

"Alphys...?" You mumbled unconsiously. She looked at you with a shocked expression, same with the others.

"You knew her?" Grillby asked you. You realised that they had forgotten you and felt a pang in your heart.

"O-oh i just heard about her from the villagers." You forced yourself a smile. Luckily, they seemed to buy it and didn't question anything further.

"Where are we anyway?" You tried to sit up but Alphys pushed you back down, shaking her head.

"D-don't move yet, _______. You're still hurt." She told you. You sighed and nodded glumly.

"We're in her lab." Flowey pointed his vines at Alphys. "She's the only one that understands about medic and stuff." He sighed.

You turned your head to Alphys and stared at her. She looked awkward like usual. You chuckled seeing her again.

"Thank you Alphys, for saving me and provide us a place." You smiled at her. She seemed shocked before she stuttered, scratching her back.

"O-oh...i just saw you need help a-and my body just moved on it own..." She chuckled sheepishly.

"I can't stay here." Grill by spoke up. You all turned your attention towards him. "I've left the shop and someone needs to keep it."

You looked at him, then tried to sit up again. Alphys moved in reflex to stop you again but you shrugged it off. Grillby and Flowey looked at you worriedly.

"Grillby." You waved at him. He came and stood next to the bed. You reached out your hand and hugged him. His body stiffen as he got warmer.

"Thank you." You smiled on his clothes. He stood there for awhile before he patted your head. Flowey was about to protest but was dragged away by Alphys, mumbling something like 'shipping'.


A/N: there it is i finished it!!! QAQ

I decided to think that Grillby needs more love. Sorry if the story is not that good. XD

Oh and i forgot to tell that my undertale amino account is the same as this one '-'

OH BEFORE I FORGET! Microwavedbeans anyone? Okay...;-;

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