Chapter 2

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I could feel myself becoming one with the wind, my body no longer existing. Running until the sun falls, sounds like a wonderful plan to me. 

As the sun had begun to set, I gradually got slower. I hadn't been going in a particular direction, but somehow I had managed to stumble across a small cabin in the woods.

Few people sat out in front drinking and lighting up cigarettes. I could hear heavy metal playing as I approached the cabin. All eyes were on me as I entered and I was enjoying the attention, but soon enough everyone went back to what they were doing. Well, not everyone.

A blonde with black and white highlights keeps staring at me from across the room. She has no particular emotion displayed on her face, only in her eyes. This room is packed like a can of sardines and the closeness of everyone's body isn't helping calm my urge to feed. And quite honestly I could care less about controlling it. In fact I'm going to find myself some dinner.

I ease my way over to this guy lounging against the wall and gently place my hand on his shoulder. He smells of beer and it’s blatantly obvious that he’s buzzed by the looks of his pupils."You have a smoke?" I whisper in his ear. He looks me over." Outside." He nods over to the entrance. With a small smile I lead the way out. 

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Djarum Black. I part my lips just a bit and let him put it in. After lighting I inhale deeply and pass it over to him. He passes it back and I take in another and then put it out. I put my lips onto his and blew in the smoke. He blows out the rest and kisses me. We stare at one another until he grabs my hand pulls me into the woods. I push him up against a tree and we begin to vigorously kiss. It’s not really taking long for me to get him hot. Since he’s in a more bliss state this way, it’s easier to pull him deeper into the woods without question.  We lie down in the dirt and I part from his kiss.

I quickly u button his shirt and plant kisses from his abdomen up to his neck. Without hesitation I slapped my hand over his mouth and bit in. He struggles to fight me off of him, but his strength does not compare to mine.He slowly went limp and I taper him off and lick my lips.

"Now what shall I do with the body" I say to myself.  

Hmmm I could burn it, but flesh has a distinctive smell. I button his shirt back up. Snap! I stand up straight and look around. It’s the blonde girl from earlier. "What?" I say with venom. She looks down at his lifeless corpse and then back at me without fear.

"Dump him into the lake in the next city." She says going into his pocket and stealing a black.  She lights it and walks away.  

Was that a demand? Even if it was it still was a smart idea. I took his carton and anything that could ID him of his person. I flip him over my shoulder and begin running. 

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