Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Sherlock?" John called, bustling up the stairs with several large bags in his hands. He quickly glanced around the flat, but upon seeing no sign of his flat mate, he called again, "Sherlock?"

"Bedroom," came the quiet reply of his friend.

Turning towards Sherlock's bedroom, John quickly dropped the bags on the floor.

"How'd she do?" he asked quietly, entering the detective's room.

"Very well," Sherlock answered, gazing down at the little girl on his chest. "She's been sleeping most of the time you've been gone. What have you gotten?"

"Just some things like food, clothes, nappies. Oh—I also got a cot for her to sleep in while she's here, as well as some toys." John smiled fondly at the little girl sleeping on his flat mate's chest. "I've just got to go get the cot out of the cab. Be right back." The doctor hurried out of the room, already pulling out money to pay the cabbie.

Sherlock chuckled, smiling after the doctor.

"Mmm." Corners of his lips still turned upward, he glanced down at Carmen, who was still sound asleep on his chest, her small body moving up and down as she breathed. Moving as slowly as he could, and keeping the little girl snuggled tightly to his chest, the detective rolled onto his side and—almost reluctantly—placed Carmen on the bed, making sure she was on her back. Slowly rising off the bed, he turned back and placed some of his pillows on the other side of the bed, and then repeated the process on his side as he stood up.

"Be right back," he whispered. He quickly pulled off his robe, draping the warm fabric over Carmen's body. Moving as quietly as he could, he grabbed t-shirt and pulled it on, not bothering to change his trousers.

"Okay," he sighed as he turned back to the bed and gently pulled the tiny girl into his arms. "Let's go help John."

Trying his best not to jostle Carmen, Sherlock walked into the kitchen and meandered over to the many bags lying on the floor. He squatted down and pushed away some of the plastic material to see several plastic bottles as well as several bins of baby formula. He quickly scanned the other bags of shopping, which seemed to consist of baby grows, nappies, wipes, a baby bath and some baby soap.

"Hey, Sherlock! Some help?"

The detective turned upon hearing John bustling up the stairs. He stood up and walked over to the landing to see the doctor, several more bags hanging off of his arms and a large box in his hands struggling up the stairs.

"Here. Just take the bags," he groaned, sliding the shopping into Sherlock's outstretched hand. "Oh… Thanks," he sighed, placing the box on the ground. The detective peered into the bags.

"More diapers? How many could she possibly use?" Sherlock asked incredulously, gazing at John.

The doctor paused, staring at his flat mate with a look that obviously said, "Really? Are you serious?"

Suddenly John broke into a fit of laughter.

"What?" Sherlock asked, frustrated that he didn't understand what his friend was laughing at.

"Ohh… I just think you're in for a rude awakening, that's all," John chuckled, wiping at his eyes. "Yes. She will go through all of these nappies at a surprisingly fast rate. To be honest, when she wakes up, she'll probably need a diaper change; I'm amazed she hasn't needed one yet." He smiled at Sherlock, who looked positively disgusted.

"Sherlock," John chuckled. "It's what babies do. Better get used it." He gave the detective a quick clap on the shoulder. "Come on, then. Let's put this thing together," he said, pointing to the baby crib.


Thirty minutes later, a smug looking Sherlock and a very frustrated looking John was sat on the floor with a competed crib.

"I told you it would fit," the detective said with a proud look on his face as he gently bounced Carmen in his arms.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," John said hurriedly, standing up off the ground. "I know, I know. But at least it's finished." He took a deep sigh, examining his work with a proud nod of his head. "Why don't you try it out?"

"You mean, put her in there?" Sherlock asked reluctantly.

"Yeah! See if she sleeps well in it," John said enthusiastically.

Moving slowly, the detective stood up and gently placed Carmen in the cot.

As he started to pull his hands away, the little girl's features pulled together into an unhappy expression.

"Mmm," she groaned unhappily, thrusting her tiny arms into the air, as if to reach back out for Sherlock.

"Oh! Well hey there," the detective said quietly, immediately reaching forward to pull Carmen back into his arms.

Bleary-eyed, but content now that she was back in Sherlock's arms, the tiny girl yawned, sighing deeply as she gazed up at the detective.

"Do you think she doesn't like it?" Sherlock asked worriedly as he situated Carmen in his arms.

"No, Sherlock. I was only joking. She was just unhappy to be out of your arms, that's all." He gave his friend a reassuring smile. "I say we try our first nappy change, hmm?"

"Ugh," Sherlock groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Yep! Come on," John chuckled, grabbing the bag of nappies and wipes.

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