Chapter Two

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Carmen: Chapter Two

"Thank you very much, John," Lestrade breathed as they finished loading the woman's body into the ambulance. He quickly clapped the doctor on the shoulder, giving him his usual smile. "Now, uh, you said there was a baby?" The Inspector quickly turned around, scanning the scene for signs of a child.

"Oh! Yeah... I guess I did, didn't I? Well, I kind of—Umm—It seemed like a good idea at the time," John stuttered looking sheepishly at the ground. Greg turned back to the doctor, a quizzical look on his face.

"You mean you sent it home with Sherlock?" he asked incredulously, eyebrows shooting upwards.

"Well—Yes. Yeah. I did. I'd uh... Better go and see about that. Be back in a moment!" The doctor quickly turned around and began jogging in the direction of the flat, heart pounding with all of the possibilities that were racing through his head. Why on earth had he thought leaving a days-old baby with Sherlock Holmes was a good idea?

The doctor quickly reached the flat and shoved open the door, racing up the stairs.

"Sherlock, look, I—"

He stopped in his tracks as he entered the flat to see Sherlock, sleeping on the couch, wearing only his robe and suit trousers, a tiny baby snuggled tightly against his chest, sleeping soundly.

"Ohh," the doctor sighed to himself, lips turning up in a tiny smile as he gazed at his flat mate, who almost appeared to be smiling. He quickly pulled out his phone, taking as many pictures as he could of the detective with the small baby.

He smiled fondly at the two as he noticed Sherlock's hand resting gently on the little girl's back.

"Hmm," he chuckled to himself, smiling at the detective.

The doctor jumped upon hearing his friend speak, with his eyes still closed.

"You will delete those photographs immediately, thank you. And please stop grinning at me like a little schoolboy; it's just a baby. I highly doubt you have never seen a baby before."

Sherlock slowly opened his eyes to gaze at John, who was staring back at him with a quizzical look on his face.

"How did you—"

"Shh," the detective scolded. "You might wake her." Keeping his hand on Carmen's back and placing the other to the back of her small head, Sherlock slowly sat up, keeping the little girl pressed tightly against his chest.

"Mmm," she sighed, shifting in Sherlock's arms as he moved.

The detective froze, worried he had woken Carmen up. When the little girl continued to breath steadily, leaning into his chest, Sherlock continued moving, standing up off the couch. A smug look on his face, he faced John, who still looked slightly confused.

The doctor shook his head slightly, the small smile returning to his face. "So," he began slyly, giving his friend a smug look. "A baby. That's what it takes to break through that cold exterior, huh?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes, absentmindedly swaying back and forth. "Don't be absurd. This was only thing that got her to quiet down," he said matter-of-factly. "She simply would not stop crying."

"Mmm-hmm," John said, seeing right through his friend. He slowly crossed his arms over his chest, fixing the detective with a smug stare. "You don't have to lie, you know? I won't think any less of you."

"Please, John, I mean how—"

"But I will need to take her back now, you know?" John interrupted gently.

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