Chapter 4: Accused

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By this point, everyone is confused. Never mind that, he's frigging bleeding. Like honestly, how?

He finally makes it to the front door, and finally everyone seems to finally snap out of their trance thing of staring at him in shock.

Finally, Jason speaks.

"What... What happened?"

The teacher frowns, his eyes narrowing. "The entirety of this place is the demon's spawn point." My teacher hisses, before looking to me and pointing at well, me.

"And you're the one behind it."

I blink in surprise. What? Since when was I the one who was behind this? I'm about to let out a profanity of insults towards him when Ty speaks up.

"How the hell was Seto it? He was locked in his room, and than led us to the front door. How could he had done it?" Our teacher glares at me.

"Because I know he did."

By this point, I'm both shocked and enraged. Because honestly, why would he blame me, when I was nowhere near him? He just hates me, doesn't he.

How immature.

My teacher than coughs harshly, coughing blood. Practically everyone freezes. "Seto, what do we do?" Jason asks quickly, his eyes are widened. I bite the side of my lip.

"Well, we could go to the nurse's office and get something, maybe there's something there."

I already know there's something there, I used to fucking live here. And also because Brice would get injured often and I would get stuck with bringing him to the office.

"Ok than, go! Go get me something!" My teacher yells, and I simply want to kick him in the shin.

I roll my eyes at him, before running into the large school.

"You idiot."

I whip my head towards the voice, before seeing- wait, is that Brice? What?

I stare at him in confusion.

"B-Brice?" Oh my, I'm sounding more and more cliché with each moment.

He stares at me, before shaking his head. "Don't believe what he says. He's trying to kill you like he did to- I said to much. I'm sorry."

He disappears in a flurry, and I'm honestly confused.

But hey, he might be telling me something. I cautiously look around, seeing no one. My eyes glow a faint purple, and my face gets a slightly eerie view as my hand lights up and the side of my face gets slightly well, purple.

Mumbling under my breath, a roll of bandages appear in my outstretched hand.

Than I run back.

When I reach the door, I see people crowding around my teacher. Looks like they finally found the front door.

I walk into the area, to see my teacher, still coughing violently. Hoping that nobody was watching, I tossed the stupid roll of bandages to Quentin, who held it confusedly.

"What? I don't know how to heal someone!" He exclaims worriedly, seeming honestly confused. I shrug. "Yes, yes you can. Just try dammit."

He just sighs, before cautiously making his way towards my teacher and wrapping it around his knee. Which is the bleeding point, by the way. He's seriously over-reacting though. Like honestly, it's hardly a scrap.

My teacher is panting heavily though.

Probably because of that he's been thrashing on the ground for like, 15 minutes straight. However long it took for me to spawn in the bandage rolls.

Jason is leaning against Adam in support, seeming to be nervous. Even if he wasn't in danger, he was still seriously worried.

For a sick and stupid human being, it seems.

I stand and watch in the background, watching as my teacher gratefully thanks Quentin. All of their words seem to mumbles, or at least seem to be from the distance that I'm standing.

My teacher seems to ask Quentin on where he'd gotten his, 'saviour roll', and when Quentin points to me, his face seems to turn to disgust.

He sends a tight smile to Quentin, seeming to thank him again before making his way to me.

And nearly slaps me.

"Listen here. Why the fuck would you help me, you darn idiot? You want me dead, so why'd you save me?" He demands, and I roll my eyes.

"Maybe it's since I actually give a crap about your wellbeing, even if you don't give a crap about mine."

Unfortunately though, my teacher doesn't even seem to notice my statement, as he gasps quite dramatically. "Is this all part of your master plan? Of you seeming like a nice person, than backstabbing everyone here in the face?"

I can hardly deal with the stupidity that is currently radiating off of him right now.

I just stare at him in utter annoyance.

"No, oh my lord. Besides, even if I did have some sort of 'Master plan', I wouldn't necessarily tell you if you've guessed it..." I drift off, as my teacher does an annoyed poker face.

"Well, you could be lying this very moment! There's absolutely nothing that's stopping you from doing so..."

Ty suddenly buts in. "The only thing that's stopping you is yO FACE-"

"That doesn't even make any sense though." I mumble, raising my eyebrow at my slightly insane friend.

"Oh yes it does. Yo face is the thing that doesn't make sense." He replies, smirking his little face off. I can see from the corner of my eye that my teacher has gone off to god knows where.

Jason walks over, seeming completely oblivious to Ty and my quite... different argument.

"So, what now? Since our teacher is god knows where, and I think the bus driver left, what now?"

Ty looks surprised. "The bus driver left? What a jerk. He didn't even do his job! And besides, he knew that we were all here, anyway." I shrug. "Well, it's been like one and a half hours ago that we should've left. And that we're at a point where none of us are even ready to leave yet."

Adam seems to have listened in, sighing as he sat down on the grass. Surprisingly, even if the ground hadn't been tended to for years, it was still lush and nicely cut.

"You know, it can't be that bad, can it? I mean, this place is a nice place. We could just explore, couldn't we?"

"Yeah, I guess so..."


I actually haven't read chapter three and four until now tbh

So ill be taking the book over from here
Aha there probably will still be cursing

I have to start writing the next chappie so
This is very exiting :):):)

I hope y'all enjoy it and especially Lunar!


Stay weird,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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