Lost with an Arm-load of Books

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It all started when the clumsy girl with the dark brown hair dropped her books in the middle of the hall, and a young man stopped in front of her.

The young man picked up some of the books for her.  "Here you go," he says as he handed her the books.

"Th-thank you," The girl stammered as she took the books back, brushing some hair behind her ear.

The boy smiled and said, "I'm Michael."

The girl responded with a sheepish smile.  "I'm Cleo."

"Are you new here?"

"Yeah, I am. I'm a little lost, too..." Cleo looked at the ground, kicking at it.

"Well, I can show you around," he offered her his hand.

She tentatively took the outstretched hand. "Thank you."

He started walking around, showing her around the place.

"I've never been to a school so big before! How do you get around this place?!"

"When you've been here a long time you get to know the place."

"Well, I guess until I'm familiar with this school, I might need a guide." The girl looked down and blushed slightly at her statement.

"I can help you around. You start to get to know the school after a few days."

When Cleo opened her mouth to respond, the school bell rang, announcing that the students had five minutes to get to class.

"Oh dang we better hurry. Do you know where to go?"

Cleo dug around in her bag for her schedule. Pulling it out, she read it and looked up at Michael. "English 3 with Ms. Goldstein. Room 227?" Confusion shown in her green eyes.

Michael smiled.  "Come one I'll show you."   He grabbed her hand and led her to room 227.

Stopping in front of the door, Cleo reached for the handle, but paused to look back at Michael. "Thank you Michael."

"No problem." Michael headed to his class.

Sighing deeply, Cleo watched Michael walk away before walking into her own classroom, just to be stopped by the sound of the tardy bell.

Michael started running to his class. "Oh no oh no oh no!"

A teacher stopped each of the individuals.

The teacher that Cleo faced tusked with disappointment. 

 "So the new student decides to be late to class on her first day?   I guess your punishment is to introduce yourself so we can get to know you better."

"Late again Mr. Michael." 

Michael replied,"I'm sorry.  I promise it won't happen again." 

"You said that yesterday Michael."

Cleo blushed slightly, blowing her head as she went to face the class at the front of the room. "Hello. My name is Cleopatra Sen. But please, call me Cleo. I'm a transfer student from a small village in Egypt. I'm sorry for being late; I got lost in this big school." As she finished, Cleo released a shy smile.

Michael walked into his class and sat.

The teacher pointed at a seat for Cleo to sit in. As she took her seat, she realized that she had had a piece of paper clenched in her fist for a while. She opened the note to read it.

"Mr. Michael, if you're late one more time I'm afraid I'll give you detention. Understood?" 

"Yes ma'am," Michael replied.

Cleo smiled slightly as she pulled out her phone to text the number on the paper, having a suspicion on who the unsigned note was from.

Michael pulled his phone out.

Michael: hey

Cleo: this is Michael, right?

Michael: the one and only

Cleo: I thought so. Did you get to class on time?

Michael: nope

Cleo: I'm so sorry! It was totally my fault! If it makes you feel better, I was a bit late too.

Michael: i don't care. My teacher is pretty nice so I just got a warning

Cleo: I'm still sorry

Michael: its whatever. Wanna hang out later?

Cleo looked up to listen to what the teacher was saying. After the warm up was explained, she looked back down to read the text again.

Cleo: sure

Michael: sweet

She smiled as she sent one last text to her new friend before focusing back on the task at hand.

Cleo: I'll see you at lunch, sound good? I've got to get back to focusing on English before I get in trouble. See ya later!

Michael: sounds good. Bye

Michael got to work on his assignments.

The Egyptian Transfer Student (A Story Continuation Game)Where stories live. Discover now