Chapter five- Confusion

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"Jess PLEASE! You HAVE to believe me!" I begged as we got on the bus.

"Really? Why?" She replied, to which I had no answer. "Exactly. You know, I was all ready to come to the bus stop today and say yes, but now, now I realise you're like every other guy out there." she was sobbing and I wanted to comfort her but I felt that would just make situations worse. She will never trust me. She will never, EVER want to be with me. When I get off this bus I'm gonna kill her. I'm gonna kill Sophie. She's ruined my only chance with Jess. I hate that BITCH -- Sophie, Not Jess... 

We got off the bus and Sophie came up to me. Strangely, Jess came up to me too. Sophie lent in to kiss me but I slapped her and Jess punched her. Hard. Like, seriously. Is her hand made of metal? (Not to be offensive to anyone with metal hands.). Then. The most AMAZING thing happened. A girl fight. Over ME. This is just. It's pure GOLD. They were pulling eachothers hair, punching one another, I'm pretty sure someone was filming it. There was a huge crowd surrounding them in a huge circle, half of them cheering on Sophie, the other half cheering on Jess. I didn't cheer either of them on. I think I shoud've though... It would have been fun. It could've ended differently. ANYWAY, A teacher came up and broke the whole fight up. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?" an old drunken-looking male teacher came pounding up the grass through the crowd. All the kids stopped cheering but Sophie and Jess kept on fighting... Until the grumpy guy starting hitting the both of them with his walking stick until they stopped and someone came inbetween them. I grabbed Jess and some other random guy grabbed Sophie. Jess wriggled in my arms to try and get at Sophie. Her hair was over her face and in the air and her hands were reaching out in front of her, grabbing the air as she was trying to get Sophie. Sophie looked the same but she has dark brown/reddish hair. "Now, WHAT was that shit about? I don't need this shit on a thursday morning. I'm having divorce filed to me tomorrow, now, are you going to tell me why you had a little bitch fight or what?"

"That little BITCH is trying to steal my BOYFRIEND!" Jess screamed, tears streaming down her face.


"BOTH OF YOU!! STOP FIGHTING!! Sophie, we broke up a year ago! I asked Jess out LAST NIGHT. I love Jess. I have done ever since I first layed eyes on her. You need to get the image of us dating OUT OF YOUR HEAD. FOREVER." I butted in, making Sophie's face turn into a flood of tears.

"But.. What was that kiss?" she sobbed.

"You kissed me. I, I kissed Jess. That's what I chose. She's the one I want. Not you." I said, buntly.

"Y-You kissed Jess?" Sophie sighed, unable to believe what she just heard.

"Yes. Last night. After I walked her home."

"Well.. I see." she went off crying with the guy that was holding her back. I was still holding Jess and she swivelled around and hugged me. 

"...Do you believe me now?" I asked, in a cutesy way.

"..You love me?" she replied, make-up smudged with the tears. 

"Ever since I layed my eyes on you." I smiled, she returned it and hugged me. "...Does this mean I'm forgiven?"

"Yes." she smiled and kissed me. 

"So... Are you my girlfriend?" I asked, gazing into her eyes.

Jess' POV: 

"Yes." I replied to him. Omg. I have a boyfriend. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND. AND IT'S MATT. MATT. I could just. Just. Just. Kill me. Pinch me. Wait. Don't pinch me. I like this dream. Then I saw Lucy out of the corner of my eye. She did NOT look impressed. Although Katie looked like she was having fun. She kinda looked drunk. "Umm... Matt, I gotta go..." I said, implying that my friends were gonna kill me. 

"Okay. Bye, beautiful." He kissed me goodbye and walked away. Well, he turned around every once in a while, but after he'd gone round the corner, I went running to my friends. 

"So... Why were you beating the shit out of that girl?" Lucy asked, crossing her arms.

"Well.... Uh... Ya' see... She kinda... Kissed... Matt... DON'T JUDGE. My jealously is my fault." I said, flinching back.

"So are you going out with Matt now?" she raised an eyebrow.

"...Yeeaaahhh......" I said, concerned as to whether she was gonna kill me. "Whyy.....?"

"Just wondered... Considering our phone call last night." 

"Riiiiight. AND THANK YOU FOR THE CONFIDENCE!" I hugged her, changing the subject.

"Thats alright." she smiled.

"I think you broke Sophie's nose!!" Katie butted in, being Katie.

"That would've been awesome!!" I high-fived her. Then, she took me to the toilets to get cleaned up. She always has make-up on her, and she's an amazing make-up artist, so, as you would, I asked her to do my make up for me and she made me look quite decent. I never say I'm pretty 'cause I know I'm not. Anyway, I no longer had make-up smudged all over my face.

"Awwh you look so pretty for your boyfriend!" Katie cooed. I really don't know why I came to school today 'cause we've spent ages just in the toilets.

"Wow. You should go into make-up. But, you'll always be prettier than me, Katie!" I replied. "And do you have to make it so obvious I'm going out with someone in the year above me? We've only be going out, what?, 2 hours?" 

"Oh I'm sorry  but is it so wrong to be happy that you FINALLY got a boyfriend?" She said sarcastically. I raised an eyebrow. "Well... I shouldn't have said that." I kept glaring at her "I should NOT have said that..." then a smile krept onto my face and we burst out laughing.

We only had about 2 lessons left of school so (as ya' do,) we bunked them. Now, I'm not saying it's a good thing to bunk, it's just a lot of fun and you don't have to sit through lessons for another 2 hours. But seriously, if you get caught, you're in for some SERIOUS trouble. So, like, don't. ANYWAY. Yeah, we bunked. We just went to the nearest park, climbed up a small tree, sat in it, and chatted. Mostly about my new boyfriend but whatever. However, we didn't lose track of time and got back to the bus stop in time for it. We were standing there for about 10 minutes waiting for school to end so we invented a little game... We didn't name it or anything but you have to keep guessing how long it'd be till the bell rang. I said 7 minutes and Katie said 9. Obviously she won. But, then again, she wins at most things... #datbitch. jokes, love her really. (I told you my minds fucked up). 

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