Chapter 2:Crazy Party & A Crazy Friend

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I Saw Damon nervous and scared going threw the crowd and i went to him”Happy Birthday Damon”i said and gave him a brand new Camera it tooked a long time to save up for it”thanks so much Aly”he said and hugged me”this party is for u”i said”huh?”he said”what u didn’t connect the dots?its the 8th of November…having a party on the same day…lolz “i said and he smiled”thanks but u didn’t have to do this”he said and i bit my lip”but what kind of friend would not give u a great b-day party”i said and he smiled”come on”i said and i brought him to the stairs and i yelled so they can hear me”HEY!!HEY!!!”i screamed and then it went silent”okay good”The birthday boy is here sing happy birthday while we give him some cake”i said and they began to sing as i carried the cake up and he smiled”Happy 21th Birthday Damon”i said and he smiled”make a wish”i said and he looked at me and then the cake then at me again and then he closed his eyes and blew the candles out”yay!!!”everyone cheered and i smiled and i went down stairs to cut the cake and Damon followed and i cut Damon a piece and then i took some frosting and i put it on his nose and he crossed his eyes and then laughed and i smiled and i kissed his nose and he smiled at me and i whipped the rest off his nose and he ate his cake and Cyr went up to him and smiled”omg u came”Damon said”wouldn’t miss your big 2..1”Cyr said and i smiled”i called him a few days back and he packed up and came all the way from L.A to Florida”i said and Damon smiled”Thanks Aly”he said and i smiled”i knew u guys were pretty close so i thought he would love to come”i said and Damon hugged me”your the best”he said”oh yeah i’m gonna sleep here so maybe u should come and sleep over later”Cyr said and i smiled”yeah u should catch up u guys”i said”is it okay i mean…”Damon said but i stopped him “say no more it would be great”i said and Damon smiled”okay after the party then”Damon said and i smiled and i went to host the party keep it clean and stuff and i locked my door so no crashers come and then i was bumped and i looked and it was Damon being his playful self”so do u like Your birthday party so far”i said moving my bang behind my ear and Damon smiled”this is so fun thanks Aly your the best and he kissed my cheek and i blushed and so did he ans then he went into the crowed and i smiled…after the party Damon and Cyr helped cleaning up”u shouldn't be doing this Damon it was for u”i said”its fine i like helping out”he said and when we got the place cleaned up and stuff i got the blow up bed ready as Damon drove home to get his sleepwear and stuff and i got ready for bed and i was a little embarrassed because this is the first time Cyr slept over my house…my bell rung…must be Damon”i got it!”Cyr yelled out and i let him get it while i sat in bed thinking about how Damon loved the party…i thought he would get all mad because he’s scared of to many people but when Cyr showed up he felt safe in some way i wounder when he will feel safe with me…”Aly come down her with us”Cyr said and i tooked a breath and went down”don’t look at me i’m ugly”i said and Damon laughed”no u don’t”he said and grabbed my hand and i went downstairs and Damon hugged me tight”i am so happy u did this for me your truly a true friend….i don’t know how to thanks u”he said and i blushed”oh it was nothing really”i said and Damon smiled”come on i’m not tired r u?”Damon said”nope”i said and he smiled”they stay and talk with us”Damon said”i mean is it okay i won’t b a third wheel”i said”what?no u will never be a third wheel Aly”Cyr said”yeah your my best gal friend”Damon said and i smiled”and he’s my best guy friend”he said and i smiled and blushed”still crazy for Damon r u?”Cyr said”what?…no…”i said looking away”lies”Cyr said”why do your cheeks become so red and u smile to much around him huh?”he said”well…because…”i said and Cyr was waiting for my answer”shut up Cyr”i said and covered my face with a pillow and Cyr laughed a little”Damon do u like her?”Cyr said”as a friend”he said”see listen to him he likes me as a friend….f.r.i.e.n.d..friend”i said”he didn’t sound so shore…let me ask again do u like like Aly Damon?”he said and i looked at him and he blushed”ahh u like her”Cyr said and i threw the pillow at Cyr”oww what u do that for”Cyr said”stop asking questions when u know he likes me as a friend already…he’s only blushing because i’m here because he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings…i know Damon doesn’t like me like that okay…”i said”okay chill out”Cyr said”i was just messing with u guys geez can’t take a joke”Cyr said and i looked down at my necklace with Justin Bieber’s name on it”do u ever take that off?”Cyr said”no…not really…just in showers”i said and Cyr looked at me”u have to choose one eventually u know that right”Cyr said in my ear and i nodded my head slowly”what did u say to her…she looks sad”Damon said”giving her a taste of reality”he said and looked at me”she knows what she has to do?”Cyr said”did u said something mean about Justin Bieber?”Damon asked”its fine”i said about to cry”Aly…”Damon said and i got up and went into the bathroom and cried i didn't want to but the tears seem to come out easily now ever since my therapist said i need to let go Justin Bieber one day…(Damon’s p.o.v)”what did u say to her?u know she’s very sensitive about Justin”i said and Cyr looked at me”what i said was the truth…she knows it and that's why she’s in there crying”Cyr said and i got up”let her deal with it Damon”Cyr said”she helps me with my problems and i’m gonna help her with hers”i said and he grabbed my hand”this is something she has to do on her own…don’t u see?”Cyr said and i pulled away with no words and i went up to the bathroom and i opened the door and she was in the bathtub crying and she grabbed the shower curtains and hide herself”Aly…what did he say?”i asked and she looked at me”that i had to choose one day…and he’s right i do…i have to give up on Justin Bieber one day”but without him i’ll fall to pieces…i’ll harm myself,i’ll drink or smoke weed but i don’t want to be that person Damon…and i don’t want to give him up”she said and i bit my lip and i sat down in the tub with her and i held her”u don’t have to choose anytime soon okay”i said and she looked at me”u promise”she said and i smiled”i promise”i said and kissed her forehead….

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