Chapter 8

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I looked around at all the trees. I really missed out when I was with Sir Hector. Just thinking about him makes me angry. We were on the move again. I jumped up on my horse and followed Alex. He was still angry with me for not telling him that that was my home town, but I mean was I expected to tell him. 

"Idela, pay attention! Stop day dreaming!" I rolled my eyes at Alex.

"Oh my god! Just pull the stick out of your butt already!" He whipped his head around and shot me a deadly glare. It was really unnerving, but I was not going to back down. I just stared at him innocently.

"Idela, I would really stop pushing his buttons." James told me quietly. I looked at him then rolled my eyes.

"Alex, can we please stop at the river for like three minutes. I promise I will be quick." He looked at me a blank face. 

"Why?" I huffed.

"I still have dried blood all over my boobs, chest, and arm. I just want to rinse off." He looked at my chest and arm. I blushed and looked at the ground.

"Fine, but only ten minutes for everyone to take a break. Alice, I want you and James to harvest some berries." Alice smiled and nodded.


I was in the river rinsing off. It was deep so I was able to completely strip down. I have honestly missed bathing in rivers. I rinsed off all the blood and looked my shoulder. There was no longer an opening. It was just a scar now. It didn't hurt anymore, but it bothered me really bad.

I walked out of the water and slipped on my under wear and bra. I went to grab my skirt when I heard someone approaching. I grabbed my knife and hid behind a tree. When I saw a shoulder I jumped out and shoved him against the tree with the blade against his throat.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" I gave him the deadliest glare I could muster. 

The man laughed, and put his hands on my bare hip. "My name is Jed, and I was just passing through, but I don't mind staying for a little while." I scoffed, and pushed the knife deeper in his throat.

"You are being gross. Get your hands off my hip or I will slit your throat." He let his hands drop.

"Idela? What are you doing?" I took one second to look at Alex and Jed flipped us so I was leaning against the tree. He threw the knife on the ground and smiled at me. "Jed? What are you doing?" Wait, they know each other?

"Hey, Alex. I finished and I wanted to come join you guys. I was looking for you when I ran into a girl with nothing, but her undergarments on. Then she surprised me by pinning me to a tree. I normally wouldn't mind it, but there was a knife against my throat." Alex starts laughing.

"Alex! I swear to god I will punch you in the face if you do not get this, this pig off of me!" He put his arms up and looked at Jed. Jed stepped back and looked down my body with a smirk. I covered my stomach and walked to get my stuff. They were talking non-stop. 

I walked passed them and they stopped talking. "Idela." Alex whispered.

"How did you get all those scars?"  Jed asked. I straightened my back more and turned around.

"It is none of your concern. I do not know you. I do not care about you. It is my business and mine alone.  Now if you will excuse me, I am going to finish getting dressed." I grabbed my clothes and then my knife holder. I stood up and walked past Jed and Alex to grab my knife. When I bent down a hand landed on my butt.

I whipped around. "Did you just slap my butt!" I screamed at Jed. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"What can I say, you have a nice butt. I just couldn't resist." He smirked at me. I then took the knife in my hand and slashed his hand. He sucked a breath in and narrowed his eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders. "What can I say, I just couldn't resist." I smirked and walked away.


Thank you for reading! I know it's really short. The next one will be longer! Picture of Jed above. Haha!





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