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"Reid? What are you doing here kid?" I asked my best friend, confused to why he was knocking at my apartment's door at midnight "Are you ok?" this time I spoke concerned, when I noticed him shivering "Get inside before you get sick" I grabbed his arms and dragged him inside my flat "What were you thinking walking in this cold without a jacket?! Jeez, the genius is supposed to be you" I questioned him, trying not to show my desperation when I got no response from Reid "Spencer answer me! What's wrong kid? You are scaring me".
I haven't seen him like this ever since the first time he had to shoot someone... or better said ever since he was kidnapped and tortured. Maybe that was it, after all it only happened a month ago. Another reason why my protective instincts were extra alert with Reid.
"He drugged me..." he murmured so low that I almost missed it "I begged him not to... but he didn't stop. He drugged me repeatedly!".
I wrapped my arms around his slim waist protectively and tucked him against me, while I patting his silky hair. He cried silently through it all, face snuggled against my neck, making me feel every single wet drop. With each single drop I wished that bastard was alive so I could torture him for every single damn thing he made such a pure person like Pretty Boy go through, to then kill him myself.
"Better Pretty Boy?" I asked him softly with a charming smile when he had finally stopped crying.
Reid only nodded shyly and tried to get away from me, his body language showing clearly how embarrassed he felt. There's no way I would let him get away, when he clearly needed help, just because of that.
"Relax Pretty Boy, don't worry about it. Everyone needs to break down from time to time, you can't stay strong forever" I comforted him "There is nothing to be ashamed of".
My assurance seemed to work because he soon broke down into tears again. Once more I just held him through it all, until the last second, and unconsciously kissed his temple when he finished.
"I am having relapses Derek" he confessed ashamed of himself, ashamed that his body was craving something that was forced into him against his own will. That only made me hate Tobias even more "Please don't tell anyone! I worked so hard to get into the BAU, if they find out about this they would take my badge away..."
"Calm down, Pretty Boy" I exclaimed surprised, I've never seen him so agitated before. Surely it was the drug's fault "I'm sure they'll understand... but I won't tell anyone" I promised him, not being able to fight his begging doe eyes "Only if you promise me to stay clean and have sessions with a professional, so you can get the help you need. You can come to me if the desire is too strong" I offered him this deal.
"Ok" he agreed with a small grateful smile and a slight embarrassed blush on his cheeks "Will you be there with me?... I mean for the sessions" he asked me shyly, not meeting my eyes.
My heart ached for this selfless young man that was so ready to think that everyone would leave him or reject him. It made me want to go out and hunt all those bastards that hurt him one by one, and then come back to wrap Spencer in bubble wrap, keeping him safe from all harm.

"Of course I will, Pretty Boy" I assured him, smile still on place not letting my agitation show through my facade. I needed to stay strong for him "I'll be by your side through it all"."Reid? What are you doing here kid?" I asked to the one I consider my best friend, confused at why he was knocking at my apartment's door at midnight "Are you ok?" this time I spoke concerned, when I noticed him shivering "Get inside before you get sick" I grabbed his arms and dragged him inside my flat "What were you thinking walking in this cold without a jacket?! Jeez, the genius supposed to be you" I questioned him, trying not to show my desperation at not getting even a single response from Reid "Spencer answer me! What's wrong kid? You are scaring me".

I haven't seen like this ever since the first time he had to shoot someone... or better said ever since he was kidnapped and tortured. Maybe that was it, after all it only happened a month ago. Another reason why my protective instincts were extra alert with Reid.

"He drugged me..." he murmured so low that I almost missed it "I begged him not to... but he didn't stop. He drugged me repeatedly!".

I wrapped my arms protectively around his slim waist and tucked him against me, hushing him while I patted his silky hair. And through it all he cried silently, face cuddled against my neck, making me feel every single wet drop. With each single drop I wished that (kidnaper) was alive so I could torture him for every single damn thing he made such a pure person like Pretty Boy go through, to then kill him myself.

"Better Pretty Boy?" I asked him softly with a charming smile when he had stopped crying.

Reid only nodded his head shyly and tried to get away from me, body language showing clear embarrassment. So I wouldn't let him part from my side, when he clearly needed help, just because of that.

"Relax Pretty Boy, don't worry about it. Everyone needs to break down, you can't stay strong forever" I comforted him "There is nothing to be ashamed of".

My assurance seemed to work because he soon broke down into tears again. Once again I just held him through it all, until the last second, and unconsciously kissed his temple when he finished.

"I am having relapses Derek" he confessed ashamed of himself, ashamed that his body was craving something that was forced into him against his own will. That only made me hate Tobias even more "Please don't tell anyone! I worked so hard to get into the BAU, if they find out about this they would take my badge away...".

"Calm down, Pretty Boy" I exclaimed surprised, I've never seen him so agitated before. Surely it was the drug's fault "I am sure they would understand... but I won't tell anyone" I promised him, not being able to fight his doe begging eyes "Only if you promise me to stay clean, come to me if the desire for it is too strong and to have sessions with a professional that can help you" I offered him this deal.

"Ok" he agreed with a small grateful smile, and a slight embarrassed blush on his cheeks "Will you be there with me?... I mean for the sessions" he asked me shyly, not meeting my eyes.

My heart ached for this selfless and golden heart young man that was so ready to think that everyone would leave him or reject him. I made me want to hunt all those bastards one by one, and then come back to wrap Spencer in bubble wrap and keep him safe from all harm.

"Of course I will, Pretty Boy" I assured him, smile still on place not letting my agitation show through my facade. I needed to stay strong for him "I'll be by your side through it all".

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