Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Oh my gosh, it's Jesabelle!" I exclaim, overflowing with joy. In our great escape from the school, Jesabelle was in a different class, and on a fieldtrip, so we weren't able to take her with us. I had no idea how she had gotten here, but I was too over-joyed to care. Just as I was about to run down and open the door for her, Crimson stopped me.

"Wait, make sure that she's not a zombie first," She warned, and we all inspected Jesabelle again. We saw her banging on the doors, a scared, worried expression on her face. Then we heard her voice.

"Please, open up! If anyone's in there, please help me! I haven't been bitten, I'm human!" She exclaimed, it was faint, but just loud enough that we could hear.

"Okay, she's human. Let's go!" Crimson decided, and we all ran down to the front doors, and pulled them open. As soon as Jesabelle got inside, we pushed the doors shut.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I was so worried that you guys had been eaten, but my gut told me to come here, so I did. And here you are!" Jesabelle exclaimed, hugging each one of us.

"I'm so glad you're alive!" I beam, hugging her.

"We all are," Hope says, and we all come in for a group hug.

"Hey, why don't we barricade these doors?" Hope asks, as we all pull away.

"Good question. Let's do that now," I say, going into the furniture store and taking out some chairs. The others follow my movements, grabbing various tables, settees, and even a couch or two.

"I doubt any zombie could break through that," Jesabelle exclaims, smiling proudly.

"I sure hope so." Jade nods, agreeing.

"Whew, I'm tired out and hungry. Let's get some food and then find somewhere to sleep," Crimson says, leading us to the nearest grocery shop.

I pick out a lunchable, cream soda, and some black berries, my favorite fruit. I get a napkin and place the little mini lunchable pizzas on there, setting the cheese and peperoni on top of the sauce.

"Is there a microwave here?" I ask, holding up my mini-pizzas.

"Yeah, there's one over there." Kate says, pointing to one in the corner.

"Thanks," I say, walking over to it. It's the same type of microwave they had in the school cafeteria, so luckily I knew how to work it. I set it for 30 seconds, and stood by it to wait. When it was done, I took it out and began eating, taking sips of the cream soda and bites of the mini pizzas and black berries. When we were all finished with our dinners, we walked over the bed store, Beds Unlimited. I picked out a nice, soft bed with a blue, gold, and cream blanket and matching pillows. The others picked out their beds, and I pushed mine over to theirs, and we formed a circle with them.

"Ah, these beds are awesome! I've been wanting a new bed from here for a while, but my parents keep saying no." Jade sighs, lying down on her bed.

I lie down on my bed, and stare up at the ceiling. "Do you think they'll find a cure for the apocalypse?" I ask, staring at the swirly pattern of the ceiling tiles.

"I don't know, but if they do, I hope it's soon." Jesabelle replies.

"I'm tired..." I yawn, stretching my arms and legs out like a starfish.

"Yeah, same." My friends mumble in agreement.

"G'night." I say, finding a comfortable spot under my blanket.

"G'night, see you tomorrow," My friends say, trying to get comfy as well.

"G'night..." I say, one last time before the comfort of sleep takes over me, leading me into oblivion.

* * *

"Make a wish," My mom says, smiling. I lean over my birthday cake excitedly. I wish this zombie apocalypse was over, I say in my head, blowing out the candles all in one go.

"Woohoo! Now your wish is definitely going to come true!" My Dad says, joyfully. I smile happily, That means that there's gonna be a cure, I rejoice inside my mind. Just as my parents cut the cake and hand slices out to my friends and I, there's a loud crash. A zombie has gotten in through the window! We all scream in terror-even my dad- at the noise. The zombie runs into the room, and starts chasing us. It knocks over my parents and bites them, and starts chasing us again. I scream, and tears start rolling down my cheeks, but I still run, trying to escape. The zombie corners us, and bites each one of my friends, and then looks at me with an expression that says Ha, I just killed your friends and family, and you're next. Whatcha gonna do 'bout it? I scream in terror as it comes closer, and bites me, and everything goes black...

I wake up in a panic, screaming.

"Whoa, whoa, are you okay?" My friends demand, coming up to me.

"I'm fine, I just had a terrible nightmare. It was my birthday, and a zombie came and ate my family and all of us." I tell them, flinching at the thought of my friends and family being bitten. My family might have been bitten already, I think to myself, my heart shattering into a million pieces.

"That's terrible, are you sure you're all right?" Kate asks, hugging me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking, though. It means a lot to me." I say, hugging all of them.

"Okay, well since you're feeling okay, let's get some breakfast! I bet they have waffles!" Crimson exclaims licking her lips.

"Yeah, let's go!" I say, and we all walk back to the grocery store, browsing through the breakfast aisle. I look through the shelves and freezers, before I find what I'm looking for. Nutella and waffles, a match made in heaven... I grab the Nutella and waffles, and walk over to the microwave. I place the waffles on a napkin and spread some Nutella on top of it, putting it in the microwave and setting the time for one minute. When it finishes, I take a bite, and immediately the deliciousness explodes in my mouth.

"This tastes awesome, you should try it!" I say, calling my friends over.

"Okay, we'll try it." They all take turns with the waffles, Nutella, and the microwave, and when they're all done, we eat it together.

"Mmmmm... That's good." Kate exclaims, taking another bite.

"Mmhm. It's delicious!" Jade beams, stuffing her face with it.

I try to say 'Yup, It's one of my favorite things for breakfast,' but it came out something like "Mmhmmm mhmhmhm gahmahm mhmhmhmhmhm."

My friends and I laugh, and for a brief moment, I forget all about this whole apocalypse.

A/N: Hey, sorry this chapter is kinda boring. D:

The next chapter will just be a character description, and chapter four will be posted soon after that.

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