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We've always been the most beautiful creatures, to exsist! So beautiful that they call us Gods and Goddess. When we are anything but! But you cant exactly blame them, after all they can never see us for what we truely are! And if they do it's either because death has taken them as it's own or we appear to them but they've never been able to see the glorious wings that stretch from our backs!

Gods and Goddess are what they decided to call us long ago even though we are not, they are myths made by the first of the living to be greeted by us. Yes we do take on the beauty that everyone claims the Gods and Goddess have, but they do not see the true us until they're life on earth is over.

We are angel's but unlike what you think you know about us we are nothing like it! We are not the pure at heart or the forgiving minded. We are the things of nightmares the things that keep you up at night! We are cold heart-ed, back stabbers, we do not trust even our own kind! We are sneaky, deadly and powerful! you would not stand a chance against us in our true forms!

But we are never in our true forms when we go to visit earth, for those reasons alone! our wings are taken and so are our abilities, as soon as we come with in close range of it's atmosphere. Our home is high above earth a palace for those who do not roam the earth. Yes it is true any soul that crys out for help will be greeted by a guardian angel! this much has always been true as far as our caring for others outside of our own gos.

As for me my name is simply Aella. I'm what you would you call one of the originals i have seen many wars among the years and never have i seen such chao's as i do now. I glance at Nyx and know that she has the same idea as me.

"there's no other way, i suppose" she sighs heavily, her pure gold wing sparkle as the fading sun light hit them. She turns her head to me, i straighten.

"you are the only one i trust enough to fix the mess my children have made, Aella! I am very well awear that you are of the few to have free range as to if they wish to go or stay." she tells me, sadness cloudes her eyes and i turn my head away.

"i will give you time to think about your decision!" Nyx says and turns away, i do not take my eyes off the land i look down at as i answer her.

"my decision has already been made, Nyx my dear friend." I tell her and let out a breathy laugh but its not heart felt it's one of pain and sadness.

"you never were one to keep people waiting." She says softly before disappearing, i turn and go to head in side to spend the last few hours i have before midnight with my people!

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